11. Killers

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Genevieve stood in silence for several minutes, staring down at Alec Wilde's cold dead body.
Although she had watched Tom commit numerous crimes, she had never killed anyone before.
Unsure of what else to do, she apparated back home and ran straight into Tom's arms.
Before he could ask what had happened, she disapparated and took them both to the scene of the crime, so that Tom could see for himself what had happened.
"What are we doing h..." Tom faltered, as he looked at the dead body on the floor.
"I killed him" explained Genevieve.

Tom looked from Alec to Genevieve, and that's when he noticed the fear in her eyes and the red marks on her neck.
"What did he do to you?" Questioned Tom.
Genevieve raised her wand, covering more of the room in light, allowing Tom to see all the photos of her.
"I found this room by accident, and when Alec caught me in here, he said he was going to kidnap me, to keep me away from you. He wanted to have me all to himself. He pushed me to the ground and forced himself on top of me. I had no choice, I had to kill him" revealed Genevieve.

Anger filled Tom, as he stepped closer to Genevieve and examined the marks on her throat that Alec had left.
"You shouldn't have killed him. You should have left him to me" said Tom, as his eyes flashed red.
"I didn't have time to stop and think about what I was doing. I was terrified that he was going to rape me, so I pointed my wand at him and said the first spell that came into my head" admitted Genevieve.
"You were merciful. You gave him a quick death. I would have caused him such pain and dragged out his suffering, for daring to lay a finger on you".

"Well, it's done now. He's dead, and there's nothing we can do..." Genevieve faltered as pain seared through her head.
She dropped to the ground and closed her blue eye, allowing her gold one to activate and fill her head with the vision that was trying to come through.
Genevieve saw herself back in Nurmengard prison, but this time she was the one behind the bars.
She was alone in a cell, with no one else around her, and the bars seemed to be getting closer and closer to her, making her feel very claustrophobic.
Genevieve screamed in fear and the vision ended.

When she opened her normal eye, she saw that she was back in Alec's secret room, with Tom by her side.
"What did you see?" Asked Tom.
"My future. I'm going to end up in a cell in Nurmengard, just like Gellert. I'm going to go to jail for the rest of my life for killing Alec" sobbed Genevieve.
"No you're not. I am not going to let you get arrested because of this man" insisted Tom.
"But I've seen the future, so I know what is going to happen" replied Genevieve.

"Just because you saw a prison cell, it doesn't mean that you are going to end up there. For all we know the vision was just telling you that you would return one day to visit your father. Besides, even if the vision was claiming that you would end up there, you know as well as I do that the future can change. When someone changes their mind, then the future changes. And I swear to you, that I will not let this vision come true. You are mine, and no one is ever going to take you away from me" informed Tom, as he helped Genevieve back to her feet.

"But I've just killed a man. How on earth are we going to cover this up?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I've killed 4 people, and I'm still here" reminded Tom.
"Yes, but you had Morfin and Hagrid to blame for your crimes. The nearest village is so far away, that I can't blame anyone there for what I have done" admitted Genevieve.
"We will have to cover up this murder very carefully. We can't allow anyone to find Alec's body, like we did with my father and grandparents. Because we can't allow anyone to find this room, or any other pictures of you that might be in this house".

"How are we going to do that?" Asked Genevieve.
"Don't forget, that you are talking to an expert at covering up crimes" smiled Tom.
He then pointed his wand at Alec's body, "incendio!".
Flames burst out of Tom's wand, causing Genevieve to leap back in fear.
"What are you doing?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I'm going to burn this place to the ground, for that is the only way to destroy all the photos of you. Whoever finds this place will think that a fire got out of hand. It happens all the time, especially in the winter, when everyone is lighting fires left, right and centre. No one but me, knew that you were meeting Alec here tonight, so no one can put you at the scene of the crime".

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Quizzed Genevieve, as flames began to engulf the room.
"I don't do anything unless I am certain" replied Tom, before taking Genevieve's hand, and pulling her out of the room.
"What do we do now?" Asked Genevieve.
"We wait outside for the house to stop burning. Then, once we are sure that all the evidence has been destroyed, we return home"
"Just like that? You want us to just walk away from a murder scene and go to bed like nothing happened?"
"We've done it before, and we will do it again"
"This time feels different than last time".

"Alec was the first person you killed, so you are bound to feel a little out of sorts for a while. I wasn't sure if you would ever be able to kill anyone, but you are stronger than I thought. I'm proud of you, and soon you'll see that you did the right thing. You might feel off right now, but you'll get over it" reassured Tom.
"Out of sorts. I just murdered someone! I think I'm feeling a little more than just out of sorts" snapped Genevieve.
"He was a bad man that tried to assault you, so you shouldn't feel guilty about killing him. It's not like you killed a bunch of pure-blood children. Alec was only one man, and he was far from innocent" replied Tom.

"Murder is still murder. It's the worst act anyone can perform, and doing so rips the soul" reminded Genevieve.
"You didn't have a choice. It was self-defense" Tom said softly.
"Maybe, but I don't think the Ministry will see it that way" mumbled Genevieve.
"But the Ministry will not need to know about any of this... Come on, it's getting a little hard to breathe in here, so lets go outside and watch this place turn to ash, destroying the secrets of your past, for good".

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