43. The Calm Before The Storm

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There was nothing Genevieve could do to stop Gellert from becoming a death eater. So she had to watch in horror as her boys slipped further and further away from her.
Gellert never came to her and cried about the things Tom made him do, as he didn't want to look weak by running to his mother. This meant that Genevieve had no idea about the kind of things him and Salazar were doing for their father.
With both of her sons lost to her, Genevieve became much closer to Mathilde, who was becoming a quiet and intelligent young lady.
Genevieve enjoyed reading her stories at bedtime, as it reminded her of one of the only memories she had of Adèle. Since her aunt used to read her stories when she was a young child.

One evening Mathilde had fallen asleep with her head on Genevieve's lap, and since she didn't want to move her daughter and risk disturbing her, Genevieve stayed put.
Before she had the chance to fall asleep on Mathilde's bed, Genevieve heard the door creak open. She opened her eyes and saw Tom smiling back at her, as he leaned against the wall.
"What are you grinning at?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Nothing. It just makes me happy to see the two of you looking so peaceful" admitted Tom.
"Yeah right" mumbled Genevieve.
"It's true"
"You're never nice to me unless you want something, so what do you want?"
"From you, nothing".

"What are you doing here then?" Asked Genevieve.
"I was looking for you, so that we could spend some time together" answered Tom.
"Don't you have some Muggles to torture?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Not tonight. My calendar is clear, so I can spend all evening with you"
"Are you sure that Bellatrix doesn't require your attention tonight?"
"No. I don't have a death eater meeting this evening"
"So? I know you don't need a death eater meeting to spend time with your favourite servant".

Tom approached the bed, and perched on the side.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
"I used to" sighed Genevieve.
"I need you to trust me... Look into my eyes" instructed Tom.
Genevieve obeyed and looked into Tom's eyes, as he took hold of her hands.
"I do not love Bellatrix Lestrange. I have not laid with her, or any other woman beside you. I have not kissed any part of Bellatrix, nor do I permit her to lay her hands on me... Do you believe me?" Questioned Tom.
Genevieve knew that Tom was an expert liar and manipulater. But as she looked into his eyes, she saw that he was being sincere and honest with her.
"Yes. I believe you" murmered Genevieve.

Tom smiled and placed his hand against Genevieve's face.
"I know we have drawn apart over the years, but I want you to know that I still love you" informed Tom.
"I love you too... But not as much as I used to" revealed Genevieve.
"What can I do to make you adore me again?" Asked Tom, as he lowered his arm.
"I don't know. It's hard to like someone who berates and undermines you all the time. You have also taken my sons from me, by turning them into death eaters. They serve you now, so have no time for me anymore. And I hate that you don't care about putting them in danger, if it means getting you closer to your goal of ruling the world".

"I do not enjoy putting our sons lives on the line. They are descendants of very powerful people, so I don't want any harm to come to them" admitted Tom.
"Then why did you force them to join your army?" Asked Genevieve.
"Because I need powerful people like our boys on my side. I have some real idiots on my team, who are no better than monkeys waving a stick around. Our sons are smart and are a credit to my army" replied Tom.
"I wish that there were enough pure-bloods in the world, so that you didn't have to use our sons"
"I do to. And maybe one day there will be. But right now, us pure-bloods are outnumbered, so I must use every wizard I can, in order to win this war".

"Do you really want me to love you like I used to?" Asked Genevieve curiously.
"Although my mission has distracted me, I still seek your love and adoration. So, I would love it if you would look at me, the way you used to" answered Tom.
"There is one thing you could do, that would make me like you a lot more" admitted Genevieve.
"What is it?"
"It's a promise that I need you to make"
"What kind of promise?"
"I need you to promise me that you will not encourage or force Mathilde to become a death eater when she is older. You have taken my sons and turned them into soldiers, and I do not want you to do the same thing to our daughter".

Tom sighed and stroked Mathilde's head softly.
"This clearly matters a lot to you" he said quietly.
"Yes, it does. I do not want my little girl to become a cold-blooded killer. And I don't want her to put her life on the line, for our cause" informed Genevieve.
"If that is what you want, then I shall obey your wishes. I will not allow her to become a death eater, if that is what it takes to make you truly love me again" replied Tom.
"Really? You swear?"
"Yes. I promise that I will not let our daughter join my army".

Genevieve eased Mathilde's head off her lap and threw her arms around Tom, hugging him tight.
"Thank you" she whispered.
"I would do anything for you" admitted Tom.
"Will you stay with me tonight then?" Asked Genevieve.
Tom smiled, "If that is what my queen demands, then I will obey".
Genevieve wrapped her legs around Tom, and allowed him to carry her to their bedroom, so that they could share the night together, after so many nights apart.

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