10. The First

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**trigger warning. This chapter touches on the subject of sexual assault. If you think this might be triggering for you, please stop reading after the asterisks half way through the chapter**

"Well, this is an unexpected turn of events" admitted Alec.
Genevieve and him were stood in a secret room inside his house, which was full of pictures of her that had been taking throughout the past few months.
He had shut the door after entering the room, so the only light came from their wands.
"What is all this?" Demanded Genevieve.
Alec stepped closer to her, and she moved back as far as she could, to get away from him.
"Keep back, and answer the question" continued Genevieve.

"This little room is my favourite room in the house. It's my shrine to you" revealed Alec.
"Shrine's are for dead people, and I'm still alive" replied Genevieve.
"Shrine's can be made for people who are alive. They are made to celebrate a certain person that the maker admires" countered Alec.
"Why would you want to celebrate me? I'm a nobody"
"You are amazing and beautiful. You're the most incredible person I've ever met"
"Then you clearly haven't met many people, because I'm nothing special"
"You are to me".

"If I'm so special, then why have you been taking pictures of me without my knowledge? That's an invasion of my privacy" snapped Genevieve.
"I know, but I just couldn't keep away. You are so intriguing. I needed more pictures of you, so that I could look at you all the time" admitted Alec.
"That's creepy. You can't try and say that this is normal behaviour, because you must know that it's not" replied Genevieve.
"I don't care if it's not normal. I love you and I need you near me at all times".

"Woh, hold up. You do not and cannot love me. I'm only 19, and you're like 10 years older than me. Besides, you hardly know me. Sure, you've stalked me for months, and you know facts about my life. But you don't know the real me, for you haven't spent enough time around me. This room shows that you are obsessed with me, but obsession isn't love" insisted Genevieve.
"I want to get to know you though, that's why I started blackmailing you in the first place. I wanted to spend time with you, and I still want to get to know you further" admitted Alec.
"Well, I don't want to be around you ever again. This ends here".

Alec chuckled, "And how exactly do you plan on stopping me?".
"I'm going to burn every single photo of me that I find in your house. And if I ever catch you taking more pictures of me, I will tell Tom" warned Genevieve.
"And you really think your little boyfriend will be able to threaten me?" Questioned Alec.
Genevieve smiled, "You might think that you know me, but you do not know him. Trust me when I say that Tom will want your head on a spike when I tell him about this room. He's the most powerful wizard I have ever met, which is saying a lot since I'm related to Gellert Grindelwald. So you had better watch your back from now on".

Alec stepped forward, forcing Genevieve to back up against the wall.
"What if I don't let you leave? Then you will never be able to return to your little boyfriend" said Alec.
"He knows where I am, so if I don't return tonight, he will come looking for me" admitted Genevieve.
"Not necessarily. I don't think he will miss you for several days. And by the time he comes here looking for you, we will be gone" replied Alec.
"You're deluded if you think I'd ever go anywhere with you"
"I don't think you'll have much choice".

Alec suddenly lunged forward and grabbed hold of Genevieve's wrist, causing her to drop her wand, which he then kicked to the corner of the room.
With her wand no longer lighting up the room, Alec's wand became the only source of light.
He held her wrist tight, and used his body to hold her against the wall, so that she couldn't escape.
"Now that I've got what's mine, I will never let you go" smiled Alec his eyes glowing eerily in the dark light.
"Tom is stronger than you, and completely devoted to me, so he will find me. Even if we leave here, he will still be able to track me down. He's the most determined man I've ever met" revealed Genevieve.

Alec placed the hand holding his wand against Genevieve's throat, making it hard for her to breathe.
"I don't want to hear any more about your pathetic little fiancè" snarled Alec.
"He's not pathetic, for he's not the one with a room full of pictures of a girl he can never have" replied Genevieve.
She refused to let herself show any fear, as she knew that she had to stay strong and not show any weakness that Alec could use against her.

"I will have you. You will be mine" insisted Alec.
"No, I will not!" Snapped Genevieve.
"Have you forgotten that you are currently without a wand? You're at my mercy" replied Alec.
"And have you forgotten who you're talking to? I was raised by Gellert Grindelwald. You could say he's like a father to me, and he taught me everything that he knows. So, you are at my mercy, not the other way around"
"Well, he's not here now".

Alec tightened his grip around Genevieve's throat, before throwing her to the ground.
He then dropped to his knees, and climbed on top of her, pinning her arms to the ground.
"Get off me!" Ordered Genevieve.
"I think you'll find that I'm the one who is going to be giving the orders from now on" informed Alec.
Genevieve tilted her head and saw her wand lying about a metre to her right. She knew that if she could reach it, she would be able to overpower Alec.

"I will never submit to you" announced Genevieve defiantly.
Alec smiled and lowered his body further, pressing himself against Genevieve.
She could feel his erection through his trousers, and she could see the lust in his eyes, so she knew exactly what he wanted to do to her.
"I never imagined it happening in here, on the floor, but I'll have you know that this is my first time, and I'm so glad it's happening with you" Alec whispered in her ear.
"That doesn't suprise me. What woman would ever want to lay with a creep like you?" Sneered Genevieve.
"Oh, many have wanted to be with me, but I was saving myself for someone special, like you" revealed Alec, before leaning forward and placing his lips on Genevieve's neck.

Genevieve took her chance and kneed Alec in the groin as hard as she could, before throwing him off her.
She then rolled onto her front and began to crawl towards her wand.
Just as she got her fingers around her wand, she felt Alec grab hold of her legs.
Alec pulled Genevieve towards him, sliding his fingers up her legs towards her thighs.
"Get your hands off me!" Demanded Genevieve.
"No. You will be mine" insisted Alec.
He flipped Genevieve onto her back once more, but this time she had her wand in her hand.
With no other choice, Genevieve pointed her wand at Alec and shouted the spell she had heard Tom use on his father and grandparents.
"Avada Kedavra!".

A green light exploded from Genevieve's wand, and Alec was thrown back across the room, where he collided with the wall.
Genevieve quickly jumped to her feet, and pointed her wand at Alec's body. But it was frozen, and he was no longer breathing.
She had never used that particular Unforgivable Curse before, and she hadn't known if it would work or not.
But there was no denying that Alec Wilde was now dead.
Genevieve had murdered a man for the very first time, and she had a feeling that he wouldn't be the last person that she would ever have to kill.

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