55. The Prophecy

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Genevieve was sitting in the drawing room one evening, listening to the rain smash against the window, when she suddenly heard Tom shout her name.
He continued calling her, but she made no attempt to go and find him.
Eventually the drawing room doors burst open and Tom entered the room.
"There you are" he said.
"Here I am" replied Genevieve.
"Did you not hear me calling you?" Questioned Tom.
"I did, but I didn't see the point in getting up. I knew you would find me eventually"

"You are so lazy" groaned Tom.
"Thanks. So, what was so important that you felt the need to shout my name through the house? What do you want?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Have you had any visions lately?" Asked Tom.
"No. If I'm being honest, I don't think I've had one since I made a Horcrux. That's another thing that the Horcrux took from me. Why do you want to know if I've seen anything? What's going on?".

"Severus Snape overheard a prophecy being told to Dumbledore, and the prophecy is about my downfall" revealed Tom.
"When I told you about my visions all those years ago, I made it clear that I don't make prophecies. I am not that kind of seer. I see the future in blurry visions, I do not recite prophecies" reminded Genevieve.
"I know, I was just making sure that you hadn't seen anything recently, that might connect to this prophecy" replied Tom.
"Well, I haven't seen anything. Are you going to tell me what the prophecy said or not?"
"I suppose so... The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches. Born to parents who have thrice defied him. Born as the 7th month dies".

Genevieve frowned, "Where's the rest of it? That doesn't sound like a complete prophecy to me".
"Snape was thrown out of the Hog's Head before he could hear the whole prophecy" explained Tom.
"I see. Well, the beginning of the prophecy seems quite clear. A child is to be born at the end of July, to parents who have beaten you three times. And one day this child might be able to defeat you"
"That is what the prophecy claims".

"The kids parents are probably both members of the Order of the Phoenix, if they've beaten you three times" admitted Genevieve.
"That is the conclusion I came to as well. Now, my spy-" started Tom.
"Peter Pettigrew" interrupted Genevieve.
"Yes, him. He has informed me that there are two pregnant women in the Order, who are due to give birth in July. Their names are Alice Longbottom, and Lily Potter"
"Longbottom and Potter are both pure-blood surnames. Do you know what the women's names were before they got married?"
"Alice Fortescue and Lily Evans".

"The Fortescue familiy runs the ice cream parlor in Diagon Alley. I don't recognise the name Evans though, so she must be a half-blood like you, or a Muggle-born" said Genevieve.
"It doesn't matter who they are. Once Pettigrew gives me their addesses, I will kill both women" informed Tom.
"No. You can't just go around killing pregnant women, I won't allow it" announced Genevieve.
"I was not asking for your permission"
"These women pose no threat to you. You just can't murder them, it's wrong on so many levels".

Tom sighed, "Fine. I will wait until the children are born, so that I can kill them, without harming the parents".
"I don't like the idea of you killing babies either" admitted Genevieve.
She didn't want Tom to kill two small children, as she knew how much it hurt for a mother to lose her children. But she didn't want to live in a world without Tom, so she couldn't risk him being defeated and taken from her.

"I take no pleasure in killing the innocent. But I must do this, to protect myself" admitted Tom.
"Can't you wait until the children are older, before killing the one that seems to be the biggest threat?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I think that is crueler. Allowing the children to grow up, knowing that one day I will murder them when they become adults" replied Tom.
"Do you have to kill both of them? Can't you just choose one, and let the other live?".

"How would I know which one to kill?" Asked Tom.
"The child is connected to you, so only you can decide which one poses the biggest threat to your existence. A prophecy wouldn't have been made, unless you and this child were connected deeply in some way..." Genevieve faltered as her thoughts began to spin.
She then jumped out of her chair and sprinted out of room towards the study, with Tom hot on her heels.
"What is the matter?" He demanded.
Genevieve ignored him and began opening numerous drawers in the study, until she came across what she was looking for.
She pulled out a stack of drawings that she had done many years earlier, and dumped them onto the table.

"This is him. This is the boy in the prophecy" announced Genevieve, as she slammed her hand down on top of the drawings.
Tom frowned and picked up one of the images of the black haired boy with round glasses and a scar.
"Are you sure?" Questioned Tom.
Genevieve nodded, "Yes. I had this vision years ago, and I felt sure that this boy was connected to you. I never knew why he was important at the time, but I do now. This is the chosen one, the one who will have the power to defeat you one day. I am certain. Trust me".

Tom smiled and stroked Genevieve's cheek softly, "Well done, my love. I knew you would be of use to me one day".
Genevieve frowned, "I've been of use to you, many times".
"That is true" admitted Tom.
"So, which family are you going to choose? Who do you think this boys parents are?" Asked Genevieve.
"I'm not sure. But if this boy and me are connected, then prehaps we have a similar blood status. If this boys mother is a Mudblood, then that makes him a half-blood, like me. So maybe this child is the offspring of Lily Evans and James Potter. I will get Pettigrew to send me photos of both sets of parents, the Longbottoms and the Potters, to see which father looks most like this boy. But I have a feeling that the Potters are the ones I have to target".
"Then it appears you have come to your decision"
"Yes, it does. And I couldn't have done this without you, my little comrade"
"You're welcome".

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