32. Not A Father Figure

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When the day finally arrived for Salazar to go to school, Genevieve realised that she wasn't ready to say goodbye to him.
The pair had become close, and she knew that she was going to become lonely again, when he left.
The whole family took an illegal Portkey to America, so that they could say farewell to Salazar properly, before he went to Ilvermorny.
Genevieve had been forced to have an argument with Tom the night before, because he hadn't planned on coming with her and the boys, and she had told him that he had to go.
The air between them was cold that morning, but they were putting on a brave face for Salazar's sake.

"Have you definitely got everything you need?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes mother. Me and Charlotte packed my bags together last night" answered Salazar.
Although he was trying not to show it, Salazar was very nervous, and Genevieve could tell.
"Good. Now, don't forget that there is bound to be a bit of a language barrier at first, between you and the Americans. Although they speak English, they use a lot of strange words, like side-walk and waste paper basket. But the biggest thing I can think of is that they call Muggles No-Maj's" reminded Genevieve.
"No-Maj, got it".

"And the obvious thing is that you can't tell anyone about your mother and I. Our identities must remain a secret" said Tom sternly.
"Don't worry father, I won't say a word to anyone. My name is Salazar Walden, and I'm a nobody. My parents are Ministry officials, and we live a modest life in England. But my parents wanted me to expand my horizons, which is why they sent me to Ilvermorny" recited Salazar.
"Your mother told me who she really was, while we were still at school, even though she had been given strict instructions not to do so. Let's hope you don't follow in her footsteps" replied Tom.

Genevieve rolled her eyes, "Salazar is not me".
"Maybe not, but he does spend a lot of time with you" reminded Tom.
"Perhaps you should spend some more time with him instead then" snapped Genevieve.
Tom clenched his fists tightly, and Genevieve realised that she may have pushed him too far.
"Salazar won't make the same mistakes as me" continued Genevieve.
"I hope for all our sakes, that you are right" replied Tom coldly.

Genevieve turned from Tom and threw her arms around Salazar, hugging him tight.
"I'm going to miss you" she said quietly.
"You too, mother" replied Salazar.
"Don't forget to make friends. School can become a lonely place if you have no friends" admitted Genevieve, as she let Salazar go.
"I'll try my best to get on with these people".
"I don't want you getting too friendly with these Americans though. Don't forget that you are better than your classmates. You are a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, do not forget that" said Tom.
"I won't" reassured Salazar.
"And I expect you to excell at magic, and get good grades in everything" informed Tom.
"I will try, father".

Gellert sniffed loudly, as he tried to hold his tears back.
"It's not going to be the same at home without you" admitted Gellert.
"I'll be back before you know it" insisted Salazar, who was trying to be positive, for his brothers sake.
"But Christmas is so far away" complained Gellert.
"It isn't really. The time will fly by in no time, you'll see".
"And I'll be here at the end of term, to collect you, and bring you home for the Christmas holidays" reassured Genevieve.
"Thank you" replied Salazar.
"Don't forget to write to us regularly, so we can hear what you are up to"
"I promise"
"Well, good luck then"
"Thanks mother".

Genevieve did her best not to cry, as Salazar walked away with the rest of the Ilvermorny students, because she didn't want to look weak in front of Tom.
As soon as the three of them arrived back at the manor, Genevieve sent Gellert out of the room, so that she could face Tom.
"I don't see why I had to cancel one of my important meetings for that" informed Tom.
"You can hold your meetings any day of the week. You only get one chance to say goodbye to your son, as he heads off to school, and I didn't want you to miss out on that" admitted Genevieve.

"But you knew that I didn't care about waving goodbye to him, so why did you insist on making me come and play happy families with you?" Questioned Tom.
"Perhaps I thought that deep down a part of you did care about your son, so would want to wish him well as he started the next chapter in his life" answered Genevieve.
"I do care about his well-being, but I'm not the sentimental type, who starts crying when they send their child to school. He is going to be educated, not executed"
"Well, maybe I wanted you there with me for emotional support. We are supposed to be a family. You and I are meant to be partners, and I didn't want to do this without you".

"You've basically raised the boys without me, so you clearly didn't need me to be there this morning, as you do an excellent job on your own normally" said Tom.
"Alright, fine, I didn't force you to come, for my sake or yours. I wanted you to come, because I wanted your son to feel like he has two loving parents. I wanted him to know that he has a father who loves him. I didn't want him to know the truth, that his own father couldn't care less, and would rather attend a meeting than wave him off to school. The poor boy has never been to school before, and he rarely leaves the house. This is a huge step for him, and I wanted him to know that he has the support of his father. That is why I made you come" revealed Genevieve.

"The boy does not care anymore for me, than I do for him. I don't think he would have minded if I wasn't there. He knows that I have important work to do, which takes precedence over him" admitted Tom.
"He is still a boy, so he still has childish feelings and emotions. He knows that you are a busy man, but deep down he still wants to spend time with his father. And I know exactly how he feels. My own father would make Francis the butler take me to Platform 9 and 3/4, because he couldn't be bothered. I had to grow up feeling like a burden, and something my parental figure wanted to get rid of. And I didn't want son to ever feel like that!" Shouted Genevieve.

Tom placed his hands on Genevieve's shoulders, "You know that I have a mission to complete. I can't be the father you want me to be, and I refuse to have this argument with you anymore. Our sons have a mother, therefore they don't need me to be around them all the time. They have you, so they won't grow up unloved, like you did. They will be fine".
"You don't know that. You've got no idea how this will effect them in the future" countered Genevieve, as she pushed Tom's hands away.
"I grew up without any parents at all, and I turned out fine. In fact, I'm better than fine, I am incredible" replied Tom.

Genevieve laughed out loud, "You are the farthest thing from a put together human being, that I have ever seen. You are definitely not fine. And I hope our sons don't become anything like you!".
"You take that back!" Snapped Tom.
"Make me!" Yelled Genevieve.
Tom raised his hand, as if he were going to hit Genevieve, but then he lowered it when he saw the horror in her eyes.
"Gen, I wasn't going to... I would never hurt you..." faltered Tom.
"Save it" interrupted Genevieve, as she turned and headed out of the room.
She moved quickly towards the sanctuary of her bedroom, not even noticing the small figure of Gellert, who had been kneeling outside the door, listening to the entire conversation, and watching his parents, through the key hole in the door.

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