20. A Massive Disagreement

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Tom hadn't wanted to wait in a crowded Muggle waiting room, so Genevieve found him outside the building.
"Well, what did the doctor say?" Questioned Tom.
"He said there is nothing wrong with me" answered Genevieve, as she tried to think about the best way to reveal the truth to Tom.
"That is good, at least we know that this illness is nothing more than a bug. Thank you for coming here today and putting my mind at ease" replied Tom, as he began making his way through the town so that they could apparate back home without any Muggle's watching.
"I'm still feeling ill though, so I don't want to apparate"
"Alright, we will walk then".

Tom changed direction and began leading Genevieve into the forest, where their house was hidden.
"Although the doctor said that I'm not unwell, there is a reason why I've been throwing up" admitted Genevieve quietly.
"Really? What is the reason then?" Asked Tom.
"I'm going to tell you, but you need to promise not to freak out" replied Tom.
"Why would I freak out?"
"Because the truth is kind of shocking and life changing"
"You're scaring me now. Just tell me what is wrong with you"
"I'm pregnant".

Tom stopped walking and turned to face Genevieve.
"You can't be" he said.
"But I am. The doctor did all sorts of tests, and confirmed that I'm about 2 months pregnant. The news shouldn't be all that suprising, as we have been having a lot of sex lately. It's a miracle I didn't get pregnant when we were living in London after we left Hogwarts" admitted Genevieve.
"But you can't be pregnant. You just can't be" replied Tom.
"Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I am. I am going to have a baby, and there is nothing you or I can do about it".

"But we are planning to overthrow the Ministry. We can't rule the world, if we are having to worry about changing nappies and putting children to bed" said Tom angrily.
"Since we don't have any other choice, we will just have to adjust our plans slightly. I'm sure it can't be that difficult to raise a family, and perform dark magic on the side" replied Genevieve.
"But I am going to be the most powerful dark wizard of all time. I can't be a father as well. I need my enemies to fear me, and they won't if I'm pushing a pram around" admitted Tom.
"I think you are overreacting. I'm not going to make you push around a pram while you are at your death eater meetings. You will be able to keep the two parts of your life separate. It can't be that difficult. Gellert had me while planning to overthrow the statute of secrecy. And Salazar Slytherin obviously had a family, because you are one of his descendants".

Tom groaned, "This is a really bad time for me. You should have been taking precautions to stop this from happening".
"Excuse me, but the fault isn't all mine. I couldn't have got pregnant without you" reminded Genevieve.
"But neither of us wanted children. I don't even like children" admitted Tom.
"Well, we are both going to have to adapt to having a baby in our lives. I know that we never planned on this happening, but now that it has, we are just going to have to deal with it"
"I suppose you are right. And we can just have the servants raise the child, while we continue with our duties as leaders of the world"
"I was raised by Gellert's followers, and I don't want my child growing up like that, without love. So, I plan on being a much bigger part in my child's life, than Gellert was in mine".

"You can be as involved or not involved as you want, I won't stop you. But you cannot force me to care about the child, or be a hands on father" informed Tom.
"I know that I can't force you to do anything you don't want to do. But I'm sure that once you see the child, you will love it. Besides, you are only thinking about the negatives. There are a lot of good things that come from having a child. Your pure-blood bloodline will continue. The Peverell and Slytherin line won't end with you. I am also the descendant of two powerful families; Grindelwald and Ravenclaw. So this child will be a combination of 4 very powerful families. You will also have someone to carry on your legacy for you, when you die" replied Genevieve.
"But I'm going to live forever" reminded Tom.
"Nothing that lives, lives forever. Sure, you're immortal right now, but we don't know for sure that you will never die".

"I have multiple Horcruxes, so I will never d..." Tom faltered.
"What's wrong?" Frowned Genevieve.
"I can't die, but you can" said Tom quietly.
"Yeah, but I don't plan on doing that anytime soon. And I'm sure our child will be able to look after itself by the time I die, so you won't have to raise it by yourself, if that's what you are worried about" admitted Genevieve.
"No, you don't understand. I killed my mother in childbirth, and so did you. Which means the likelihood of you also dying in labour, is very high"
"Oh, I hadn't thought about that".

Tom placed his hands on Genevieve's shoulders and began shaking her.
"You have to get rid of this baby. You must have an abortion, because I will not lose you. I don't want to live in a world where you don't exist. So you have to kill this child" ordered Tom.
Genevieve pulled Tom's hands off her.
"I am not killing my unborn child!" Snapped Genevieve.
"But it is going to kill you. And that is something I cannot allow to happen" replied Tom.

"You are overreacting. Sure, we both killed our mothers, but the situations are not the same. Your mother was weak and starving when she had you, so her chances of survival were low. My mother had left my father before she had me, so she probably gave birth alone, without any help. But I have you, and more food than I could eat in a lifetime. I also have a warm bed, a bunch of servants, and access to good modern healthcare which has advanced a lot since we were born. Our mothers didn't have any of those things, which is why they died. But I have everything I need, so I will be fine. I will not die in childbirth, because I am strong" promised Genevieve.

"I don't want to take any chances. You mean too much to me. I will rip that child out of you, if that's what it takes to save your life" revealed Tom, as he put his hands around Genevieve's face.
Genevieve pushed him away and folded her arms, "This is my body, and I am not going to let you harm the child inside of me. I might not have wanted to have children, but now that I am pregnant, I plan on seeing it through. If I didn't want this child, then I would have an abortion, especially as carrying it to term puts my life at risk. But that is not what I want. I want this child".
"We are supposed to be partners, Gen, so why are you insisting on doing this against my wishes?" Questioned Tom.
"You're the one who wants to kill your own child against my wishes".

"You are so stubborn" groaned Tom.
"That is one of the reasons you love me. Look, despite the risks I am going to go through with this pregnancy, because I want us to have a child together" informed Genevieve.
"Fine. But if the child kills you, I'm not keeping it. I will abandon it at an orphanage. For I could never look at it, or care for it, if it killed you" revealed Tom.
"I'm not going to die, so you don't need to worry about that" replied Genevieve.

"Well, if you insist on keeping the child, then I am going to kidnap a doctor and place him under the Imperius Curse. He will live with us, and keep you safe and healthy throughout your entire pregnancy" revealed Tom.
"I think that's a bit of an overkill. I really don't need a doctor checking on me every single day" insisted Genevieve.
"If you want to continue with this pregnancy, then this is my condition. Otherwise I am taking that child out of you, whether you like it or not" replied Tom.
"Fine. Since I have no other choice, I will agree to your terms"

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