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...Is the only act you need to avoid, cause this will lead you to suffering and pain from the punishment given by the God. Or worse, it'll lead you to death. Where your soul will forever be vanished. No longer be seen or exist.

We all know that we can't avoid sin. We are all sinners from the beginning. Sin is appealing because of the pleasure it gives, it seems to be so nice and beautiful. However,  for you, a no longer pure Angel, sinning is the ugliest and rotten thing that exist.

"My greatest Angel.. how could you sin? Do you know the penalty for sinning? Do you know where will this lead you?" The God spoke infront of you. Not just you, but there's also Angels watching.

Their eyes shows pain seeing you kneeling on the ground, crying infront of the lord with your once white halo that shows purity turned into a black smoking halo. Half of your pure white wings was now slowly changing into raven black. Disgust.

"My God. Forgive me for I have sinned" that's all you say over and over again as you cried your heart out. Tightly clutching the silky material of your dress. Head bow down as you can't look straight to the God's eyes. Heart are beating fast, nervous about the consequences you'll be facing.

"How can you forgot about your vow Y/n? The guidelines you used to follow? The purity you should keep? What happened?" The surroundings changed. Thunder and lightning starts to appear.

".. my dear lord" you sob "please.. forgive me. I never meant to lost myself to a sinful demon... please my God... Don't let me die.. I'll face whatever the consequences just please.. I beg.. let me live "

you can't answer him. You can't answer everything he is asking you. All you could do was ask for forgiveness. Ask for another chance to live and cover you away from the death.

He looks at the forbidden tree, not just a forbidden tree, but the tree holds one of the deadliest sin. Lust. The ones green and flaming in yellow tree, now turning into dark purple. It was all because of you. You ate one of its fruit and now it slowly consumes the pureness of your body and soul. You're tempted by the demon. You can't remember his face, but he's looking like a prince of hell? Or a king of hell?

You let him go all over you and chant something in your ear. The next thing you knew was you're holding the forbidden fruit and the God was furiously heading towards you.

"I.. forgive you and let you have the chance to live.." all the angels was shocked. Including you. "But.. Y/n.." you look up at the God with your eyes are red and  puffy.

Suddenly, you felt your weight being lift up in the air. Your knees were no longer in contact with the marble floor. You felt a slight pain in your back, you saw your own wings detaching itself from your back and your halo vanished above your head.

"I.. punish you. You'll be fallen into the world of living and live as a normal human being. Without a single bit of memory of what happened here. Cleanse yourself from the sin you've done today.. stay pure and don't let yourself stained with another sin again." And with that you felt your body falling all the way to nowhere.


"Angel was punished huh?" He let out a deep chuckle as he watch you falling down and down and down till your disappear behind the clouds.

"She was punished to live as a human now.. interesting"

A small smirk was plastered on his beautiful demonic face. He stood up and spread his black wings. Ready to flew down to the world of living.

"Gonna follow my pretty Angel"

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HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now