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So yeah.

You leave his place after eating lunch. Lunch as in him fcking you up real good on the couch. Filling you up real good with his hard girth, makes you feel so full.

Then after the intense fcking session, he took you out on a lunch together at the restaurant nearby and after send you back to your penthouse so you could sanitize your whole body before going to work.

Him? Well he said he's going to go to his work too so he didn't stayed any longer at your place. He just hugged and kissed you or should we way a few make out session infront of your door before he left your place.

Both can't get enough of each other.

Now you're thinking is it a one time thing? Or no?

But for sure it's just a one night stand thingy. There's no more fcking again.. right?

"By looking at your face and you walking weirdly just now, i can tell you just got fcked... Who's the guy that took your V-card!!? Is he handsome!? Masculine!? Rich!?" Now Rose seems so interested.

"No!? So what an ugly man!? Fat!? Old man at their 50's!?" WHAT THE FCK!?-

"The hell? I don't fck old man gosh that's so gross!"
"Then what do you mean by 'No'?"
"No.. as in No, I didn't give my precious vcard to someone"


"Then why do you have purple spots on your neck and thighs?"

"Gothcaaa!!" No way did she just-
"You're really a bad lier you know!"
"Oh shut up! Fine you got me"

There's no use of lying anymore then. Rose is really an observant person. She can tell if you're lying or not. She knows you so damn well.

"Oh my gosh- with who!? Spill that spicey tea sissy come'n!!" As she lean against your table with her chin resting in her palms. "Tell me or else I'll leaked the photo of you naked and doing some weird poses-"

"Oh-shut it!! Okay.. fine I'll tell you gosh" you can't win against her.

"Good now spill!"


"I can literally smell sex in this place. Disgusting" Yoongi blurt out at his friend who's now getting ready. Wearing a black formal suit. He looks so hot!

"Then don't breathe" He said and his friend just game him an 'are you serious' look. "This is not hell that i can just hold my breath for the rest of the year"

Jungkook throw him a box which he perfectly catch. "stop talking and wear that. You can't just go out wearing those clothes. We don't want to scare people." And he left his friend alone the room to let him change.

"Do i have to? Evils clothes are much more cooler than-"
"Shut up!"

And he did.

He wish he can just vanish and go back to hell and chill. Much better.


Time flew fast.

You and Rose are now heading out your office. Finally done working!! Can't wait to go home and rest.

"Let's eat dinner at the penthouse. I'll cook pasta!" Rose said as she grabs her car keys inside her bag while you do the same.

"That would be so lovely!"

And before you could open your car door, your phone vibrated inside your bag. You took your phone from your bag and read the message you received.

- are you free? Wanna grab dinner together and mayhe catch up!?

Of course! You're about to reply but then another message pop out of your phone screen.

^Jeon^ : Princess let's eat dinner together, shall we?

Now who among this two-

"Y/n let's go home or else I won't cook you pasta!!"

No no no.. who among the three will you go and eat dinner with!!?

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now