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Today is the day. The runway show!

You've been dreaming this for your whole life. To have this big grand runway show, where all designers and your new ambassadors and ambassadress from different country will be attending! Dream come true for you!

You've already send some of your clothing designs to each of your visitors and they will be wearing it for later and that honestly makes you anxious.

You're afraid they might not like the clothes you've sent for them.

Biting your nails as many thoughts came like an ocean wave into your mind. Your hearts beats fast that made Jungkook open his eyes from a slumber.

You are sitting at the balcony. Coffee are right at the table beside you. It's 4 in the morning and you're wide awake. Just eyes focused on the lights of the city.

"Should've fcked you hard so that you can't go anywhere but my arms." Well.... he should've if that's what he wanted. You felt his hand run on your jaw, making you look up at him. "Morning Angel, you're up so early, why?" He leaned down and give your lips a kiss as he caress your neck.

"I am. I just don't want to be late and embarrassed at my own runway show." You answered. Holding his hands away from your neck and caress it with your thumb as you sight again at the city view.

Jungkook knew what you are thinking, but he just want you to tell him yourself. "Angel.." he sighs. "You said the event will start up at 10 in the evening. It's still 4 in the dawn and you're already up? You should've been sleeping and taking a rest, not wasting your time worrying about it."

You stood up and turn to face him. "Jeon you don't understand how i am-" he cuts you off as he presses his lips against yours.

His lips is incredibly a great mouth shutter.

"I know, angel. But trust me, it'll go all smoothly just like how you want it, okay? No need to worry about it. The more you worry, the more things go wrong." You closed your eyes and lean your head against his chest and wraps your arms around his waist. Giving your warm against his cold ones.

"..okay. thank you Jungkook." You said. Hugging him tightly like you're about to lose him in any time now.

"Okay, angel. You should go back to sleep hmm? I'll be staying right by your side while you sleep."

Aroud 9 in the morning you're awake as you felt like something dipping right your..... yeah. Looking down there you saw his head between your thighs. Moving up and down as he enjoy his breakfast for today.

The evil inside him sense you're soul awakening because of the pleasure and treatment you are now receiving in the morning.

His hands grips your thighs hard as he never stop from eating you out and literally making you orgasm a lot. Squirming a lot for him.

"G-guk.." you tried to push him off but he didn't budge even a little and just give you a glare.

"Let me have you this time Angel. I can't have you later tonight." His deep voice demands and continue from giving you a lot of pleasure.

And now, you don't really think you can walk properly tonight.


8pm. 2 hours before the show.

"Ohhhh you look so fire girll!!" Rose jump on you and eyes the red firey dress you are now wearing. "But hey... i didn't saw this dress in your designs you should be wearing for tonight."


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You smiled and stared at this beautiful dress you just tried on. "That's because i didn't designed this dress.... Jungkook did." Rose frown and shift her eyes away from the dress.

"Jeon guy? Im'ma right?" Now it's your turn to frown "yeah. Don't act like you never know him Rose. You even met him this morning at my place." You said before entering the dressing room to get change into your robe.

But before you could enter, you hear what Rose said in a whisper voice.

"Well, i know who's Jungkook is but... i only met him once."


"Can you take her to hell now? You know it's really tiring using her friends body so that i can only have a conversation with you." As he shift into his normal form.

"Is that how you greet your King?" Cold.

"Oh...my apology my lord Lucifer jeon. But isn't it taking too long? We should bring her down there before Heaven could stop you."

He sighs.

And then faced his most trusted Devil.

"I will do that... tonight"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now