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2 am.

At the earliest morning you woke up because of the stinging on your back. It's something like there's a stuff poking underneath your skin. You feel something about to come out of your back in a second.

Time by time, the stinging pain on your back are getting worse. You groaned at the pain as you slowly sit up. Rubbing your back slowly as you make your way to your bathroom. Stripping down your clothes as you decide to take a hot bath. Hoping the pain will go away.

Minutes of you dipping yourself in your tub, you can feel the pain slowly easing. You stay a bit more longer in the tub as you hum a song. You don't know what song it is but you just feel yourself Humming the tone. It seems so familiar to you. Seems like you heard it before.

Slowly straighten up as you get yourself out of the tub. Grabbing your towel and walk towards the mirror while drying your hair and face, still Humming the song. You wrap yourself with the towel and about to wear your slippers when your eyes caught a.... feather?

How come there's a feather in your bathroom!?

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How come there's a feather in your bathroom!?

You look around your bathroom to see if there's a bird or something feathery that get inside your bathroom but no... you see nothing but only furnitures, a small frame, shower, bathtub, scented candles a towels and your silky bathrobes. There's no bird you can see!

Now how come there's a feather on the floor of your bathroom? It's not you of course!first, How will you have a feather when you're a normal person? Second, How can you have feather when you can't see wings on your back?

Confusion is arising!!

You walk out of your bathroom, still having the fingers in your hand. You put the feather in your vanity table as you walk inside your closet. Changing into another comfortable clothes.

Now you're about to close your closet door when again.. another feather but now different as what you saw earlier!

 another feather but now different  as what you saw earlier!

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You pick it up and sat infront your vanity table. Scanning the two mysterious feather you saw in your place.

Somehow, you are so amaze by them. The white feather that has black spots makes you feel something you don't know. It's like you're burning inside. While the pure black one sends you a good and comforting feeling on your body. You feel like something or someone is there wrapping it's warming arms around your body. Making you comfortable and relaxed.

You grab a clean white satin silk and put each feathers and wrap the silk around it. Carefully putting them inside your drawer where you keep your jewelries.

You're just gonna keep them until you know where they came from.


"You saw that?" His friend nodded with a slight smirk. He was so happy to see the changes on you. He wants to be close to you and touch those beautiful feather he made. He just love the new you.

He slowly pluck one feather of his, leaning his forehead against the feather and whispers something and blow it off from his hand. The feather goes inside and softly landed on the floor.

"We need to go now.. the kingdom needs you" Yoongi pat his shoulder before vanishing off. Leaving him alone. Using his power to be not seen, he entered your room and stand behind you. He wrap his arms together with his black wings around you and whispers to you before he leave.

"You'll be mine again Angel... just wait a little bit longer"

Boring? Yeah ik right haha

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now