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His lips.

It feels so soft against your skin. You want him to do that again. It feel so good. The way his lips attached against your cheeks. Goddd!!

Are you crushing on him now!?! You know him for weeks but deep inside you, you feel like you know him for how many years. Your heart is screaming that you've been with him years ago.. but your mind keep on denying that.

Now back to his lips. Never you knew that he has a very soft lips. You're wondering how would they feel against your lips. Must be feeling so good than a peck on the cheek you received from him.

"What's on your mind?" Oh shoot!! A sudden voice of him interrupted you. You shook off all your thoughts and look at him who's still driving.

"Huh?... Nothing.."
"You sure? You've been so quiet lately.. are you.. thinking about what happened earlier, huh?"

"You mean.. bringing me to Bukchon Hanok Village and Naksan park?"
"Come on princess.. you know what I mean. Should I remind you about it? I peck your cheeks and you were blushing so hard"

And there he goes again!

"No I'm not!" Well that's a bit loud. He chuckles at your denial. "Definitely you're not.." Oh now he's teasing you huh.. why not tease back?

"Fine.. but I'm not the only one though, bet you can't think about anything after I gave you a peck"

"I would be lying if i say i didn't.." he isn't even denying!? he's admitting the truth.

"Whatever.. anyways, are we almost there? The sun is now slowly setting"

Jungkook take a last turn and stop. Parking the car aside.

"We're here.. at Banpo bridge"

The two of you step out from the car and walk towards the side where you can clearly see the bridge. You can't help but feel amaze by the river view right infront of you now.

There are also a couple of people who's enjoying the sight infront of them

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There are also a couple of people who's enjoying the sight infront of them. You can also see couples walking around and some are sitting near the river, some are riding bikes side by side.

This place is really perfect to let all your stress out. You sure gonna come here every time you're stressed out and maybe stay a night here. Sleep inside your car with this view at night.

"Do you like it here? I'm afraid that you don't like being at this kind of places.. i mean it's not that romantic place"

so he wants to be romantic to you? Hmmm.

"Hey no! I love it here! Look at that river view and the sunset. It's really perfect! How can you it's not romantic?" He looks at you and then back to sight infront of him.

"I'm just afraid you don't like it here. But knowing you're loving this place i might want to take you out every day and bring you here.. watch the sunset together.."

Both of you sat at the near bench at the side. He doesn't want you to just stand there while waiting for the most awaited moment.

He look at his watch. 6.59 pm. One more strikes and...

lights turn on. Something like a water or stuff came out of the side of the bridge. Amazing. Beautiful. Mesmerizing.

You can't take off your eyes from the scene that is happening right now. You are too amaze! You haven't seen this before in your entire life!!

You turn to face Jungkook to say how much you love the scene. But as much as you love the scene, the view right infront of you is more than amazing!

He's face is so close to you. Nose are touching. Eyes are staring deeply in each other. Both are not daring to pull away.

Right then, Jungkook slowly tuck your hair behind your ears and caress your cheek. You love the feeling of how warm and soft his palm is. You lean against his touch. Leaning your forehead against his.

"I don't know what you're doing to me ... But it just feel so right" You confess to him. Knowing him for a week and so, but being with him, being touched by him, it all feel so right.

Jungkook somehow feel relieved. He thought he might scares you by his sudden actions just now. He doesn't want that. It might ruin the plan to have you his.

Your eyes closed as you feel his thumb caressing your cheekbone. You don't bother at the people passing by. All you have in your mind is him and you. You don't think anything else than this moment.

Jungkook cup your cheeks and pull a bit back. Staring at you, deep in your soul as he say....

"And you don't know what I'm feeling right now to have you in my touch... Again.. my angel" and he press his lips against yours.


Sorry kinda late update since I'm busy with my school stuff hehe

But i hope you love the new chapter;)

So what will happen next??

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now