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The sun rise up and your eyes immediately open. Well you're already awake an hour ago, you just close your for a good more time before the clock strikes 7am.

You look at your phone expecting a message from the person who's making you feel so excited today. But sadly there's none.

He must be still sleeping. Or maybe he forgot about your meet up today? No that can't be!!

You're literally pouting while looking at your empty inbox. You sigh and decided to take a shower. It's still 7am and you have two hours to prepare for later.

7:30. Clothes there, clothes here, clothes everywhere. You're in trouble choosing which outfit you should wear for today. You should be looking pretty for him.

Okay hold up!

Let's rewind it back when you say he's not attractive at all. You take that back! He is really really handsome. And not to mention he's sweet yet flirty but that's so fine to you.

You don't mind him being all flirty to you though.

8:30. You're eating your breakfast with your eyes keep on glancing your phone. Hoping he'll message you or something. Waiting and waiting till you finished your breakfast now sipping your morning drink.

8:40. Your phone buzzes on your side. You grab it quickly, expecting a message from him. But again.. no. It's your assistant. You sigh and lean against the couch as you responded to your assistant saying you're not coming to work.

9:00. You are now infront of your vanity. Putting some
light make up on. Spraying some vanilla scent perfume around your body. Your phone again buzzes. And this time it's him!!

^Jeon^: are you up? I hope you haven't forgotten about our meet up today..

NO! Never you will!!

< No i wont! I'm getting ready now actually

^Jeon^: Gladly! Me too..
^Jeon^: so.. see you at the lobby then princess?

<Yeah see ya!

You put your phone down and look at your reflection. Suddenly squealing around. You bite your bottom lips as your cheeks are slowly turning red.

Why is he making you feel like this!!!


10:00. You wear your two inch heels before exiting your house. Now heading to the elevator. Pressing the button and enter inside.

As you reach the ground floor, you step out the elevator and now heading straight to the lobby area.

<I'm here.. where are you?

You shifted your gaze from your phone and waited for him. Well not actually waiting but him as you saw him standing up from the seat. Not that far from you.

And damn!! He's looking so good with that tight jeans and that black button up shirt that is tuck in his jeans. Flexing his thick thighs!!

God why is he handsome!? You might need a CPR later!

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God why is he handsome!? You might need a CPR later!

You don't mind him doing CPR on you though.

"You are looking prettier today" as he reaches you. Well you wear a simple outfit today. Really different than your usual outfit.

For now you have to try different outfit

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For now you have to try different outfit. You have to look more fashionable and look pretty for him.

"Thanks. Umm ... You look handsome too" he chuckles as he can see a bright red shade on your cheeks. You are blushing!

He wants to see you always blushing when you're with him.

"Thanks. So... Shall we go?" He lend his hand for you to hold. You didn't think twice and hold his big manly hands.

you felt something burning deep inside you when you hold his hand and somehow it felt so good. Feel so right.

"I'm gonna take you to different places I'm sure you haven't been before.. ready to have fun princess?"

This will be your BEST free day EVER!!

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now