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"heard from who?" As you grab the wine glass and drink up the raspberry taste like wine.

"From a friend of mine.." he pauses and take a gulp of his wine. "He saw you with a guy this noon in the restaurant that is owned by his father.. so he thought that the pretty, hot CEO of a fashion company in Seoul is no longer single" he continued.

No longer single?

You're still single!

Right. No one asked you on a date or to be their partner too. To think of Jungkook, he only takes you out on a date? Should we call it a date? But he never said it's a date.

Yeah he did take you out but only to catch up and relax together and kissed and .... Yeah. You know what happened.

So to be clear. He didn't asked you on a date like a romantic one instead just a friendly date, like catch up and hangout like what friends do when they're bored or wanting to clear out their minds!

So you're still single!!

You chuckle and look at you drink. "I'm still that pretty hot single CEO. I'm not yet in a relationship"

And that made Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? Then what about the guy? Who is he? A friend? Business partner?"

You nodded. " A.. friend?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Is that even a question? Come on! I'm your best friend you should tell me about him you know!"

"Fine fine.. he's a friend of mine. Ahh.. we accidentally bump and met at the building i live cause like he lives there too and then we kinda get closer and closer. Yesterday he takes me out on a friendly date and...." you pause. Fingers fiddling with the wine glass.

"And what?"
"And ... Kissed"

"Well then he's not your friend!" Taehyung spat. "He is my friend Tae! Like close friend!"

"Close friend don't kiss each other!"
"They do!"
"Well we're close friend yet we didn't kissed each other! That ain't close friend that's friends with benefits or maybe something else!"

And you shut your mouth. Taehyung is right so why bother argue. He will only slap you for arguing with him.

"How many times did you two fu-"
"Tae lower your voice!" As you throw a crumpled tissue on him.

"Sorry but yeah, how many times did you guys fcked?" Taehyung asked with his voice a bit lower. Not wanting other people to hear what is he about to ask you. Privacy.

"Well... Two times" you answered him, whispering the last two words but still enough for him to hear it.

"Was it good?"
"I can say.. it is"
"Was it painful?"
"It's my first time so yeah.. kinda painful for me"

"Was he rough? How does it feel?"
"He is reall- wait i shouldn't tell you that. It's a secret!!"

"Yet you tell me half of that secret dummy!" Taehyung flicked your forehead but not that hard.

"It's because of you! You can't stop asking!" Je chuckled and finished his drink. "Not my fault. You keep on answering my questions"


You can't blame him.

"Anyways, i have to pick up my brother from the airport early morning so.. let's head home shall we?" You nodded and grab your purse, getting ready to leave.

Nothing to worry about the bills since Taehyung already paid for it. He insisted to pay the foods so you just let him be.

Both of you are now heading to your cars. Leaving the restaurant with your stomach full of delicious foods.

"So I'll see again soon!" You both give each other a tight hug before pulling away. "Okay! I'll see you in our next hangout! Drive safe Tae!"

"I will, you too y/n! Goodnight bye!" And he entered his car and started to drove off. You wave your hands at him before getting inside your car.

You're about to start the engine when message pop out of your phone, grabbing your attention.

Grabbing your phone from your bag and read the text. It's from Rose.

Yiu click the message and read the message she sent to you. Your eyes widen aa your eyes moving left to right, reading each sentence.

- sis the Handsome guy is looking for you! He's here in the living room with two huge boxes! guess he has some of expensive gifts for you!!
- come home quickly!!

And that's your cue to hurry and go home!

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now