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"The demon..." she murmured, breathing out in worry. "He's back... And he's trying to get close to her again." She looked up at his eyes, filled with concern.

"It's been more than twenty years, and he's now back."

"He's really trying to make her his, after I sent him away." He let out a huff of annoyance and looked at the angel before him.

"I'm coming down... I'll protect her like I did before." She gave a small smile and a nod.


Stepping into your company, the workers greeted you with their usual smiles. You greet them back with your satisfied smile as well.

"Good morning, Miss Y/n," your secretary says as she opens your office door for you. "You have some files that need to be signed, they've been placed on your table."

"Thank you. Is this the only file I need to sign?"

"Yes, Miss..."

You sit in your comfortable, feathery rolling chair and quickly sign the files. "What time is my meeting with the business partner?"

"Your meeting will start in twenty minutes," your secretary replies.

You nod and ask, "Am I all set then?"

"Yes, Miss."

You stand up from the chair and turn to leave, preparing yourself for the meeting with the business partner.

You close the folder and hand it to her. "Great! thank you. You can go to the meeting room first, I'll go later" she nodded and bow down a bit before leaving your office.

You turn your chair to face the glass wall of your office, taking in the breathtaking view of the city.

Cars are passing by and honking, people are crossing the streets wearing their business or school uniforms. The blossoming tree, its branches filled with flowers, is so clear to see from here. The sun shining brightly in the beautiful blue sky is a sight to behold.

The relaxing view is clearing your mind of the negative thoughts you have, replacing them with positivity. It feels like the perfect setting to start the day.

You take a moment to fully take in the beauty surrounding you. It's so peaceful and calming. You feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and your mind feels clear of negativity.

The world below seems to have slowed down as you focus on the beautiful view in front of you. You're ready to start your day with a positive mindset, thanks to this relaxing setting.

Your phone rings out of the blue, interrupting your peaceful reflection of the cityscape. You quickly grab it from the table and answer the call.


"Miss, they're here. Your business partner has brought along a guest," the familiar voice on the other side informs you.

You frown and sit up straight in your chair, facing the table once more.

"A guest?"


The crisp sound of your heels clicking on the wooden floorboards echoes throughout the empty hallway as you head towards your meeting room. You see your assistant standing in the entrance, looking at her watch.

"They're already inside waiting for you, Miss," she says, taking your bag off your shoulders. You follow her into the room.

As soon as you enter the room, your business partner immediately gets up to greet you. But the person he brought with him has his back facing you, comfortably leaning back in his chair.

"Miss Y/n. Glad to see you again!"
"It's glad to see you again too Mr. Kim"

He gives you a genuine smile as you walk towards your seat which in the center, giving you the side view of the person Mr Kim brought.

No way!

"Miss Y/n.. I brought a guest, my brother-" before Mr Kim could finish his sentence, you run towards his brother who's now smiling wide because of your priceless reaction.

You hug him tight as he stood up. He smiled wide as he hugs you back. Both of you are literally hugging each other tight. Literally missed each others warmth.

You pull away and cup his cheeks. "Taehyung! you're back!!"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now