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5 days before the event..

10.39 am. You're at the super market to buy some groceries as you are out of stocks of food in your kitchen. Rose must be really really hungry all day that the place you stock your foods and snacks went clean.

As you are busy looking at the fresh milk area, your phone buzzes from your pocket.

It's Taehyung.

Tae: heard you're out for grocery, can you buy me this chocolate milk please..
*inserted a picture*

Doesn't sound like asking but commanding you to buy that stuff. What a great friend. You just shrug and grab the said chocolate milk and add it into your cart before proceeding to the other side and continue to look for the stuff you need.

12.22 pm you arrive in your place after spending an hour in the grocery store, with a bunch of plastic bags placed in your counter. You asked one of the bodyguard at the entrance to help you with those bags cause some of them are kind of heavy and most of all there are like 6 big plastic bags which contains all your kitchen needs. Now you are placing all the foods and other stuff you bought to each places they belong.

01.26 pm, you're cooking a lunch after you arrange the newly bought foods and other things neatly. You are hungry and craving for a taco so now you're making one.

While cooking, your phone vibrated. Swiftly grabbing your phone and read the sender of the message you received.

^Jeon^ sent you a message

Oh. It's from Jungkook. You quickly tap the message and read.

^Jeon^: how did your grocery went? I should have accompany you earlier but bunch of work stuff really need to be done by this week.

You chuckled and replied his message.

> it went perfectly good and you don't have to go with me, I'm fine doing it alone.

^Jeon^: i just imagined you with lots of bags carrying it all the way your place. Baby must be tired, I'll massage your arms later;)

> nah Jeon, i know your tactics already. You should finish your works while i do mine.

^Jeon^: fine.
^Jeon^: i may not be coming home tonight tho so i won't be hugging you sleep.

How can you still handle him?

04:20 pm, Taehyung comes over your house with a huge bag. He brings his cute dog too!

"What's with that huge ass bag?" You just watched him put his bag to the side and goes to your kitchen. Literally making himself home.

He grabs a glass of water and drinks it right away. Thirsty. "Me and Rose are planning to have a sleep over and watch movies with you tonight! i bring some fun gaming stuff and snacks, that's why my bag is big."

What a friends. They plan to have a sleep over and movie marathon in your place without you knowing. Great!

"You didn't even tell me!" You picked up his dog and sat in your couch.

"Well then... surprise?!"


7:30 pm, you are sitting in your high stool with your laptop and Ipad on top of the counter. Sketching and reviewing your design. The event is five days ahead. It's making you anxious.

Suddenly, your Ipad was taken away from your hands.

"What- why? I wanna finish it now Rose." Rose saved your works before turning off your Ipad, same goes to your laptop.

"What are you trying to do?" You asked her a little frustrated. She sighs and looks at you. "We are here to have fun not to stress out with works Y/n." Taehyung blurt out as he pour the sauce in a serving pot

"You should have more time to yourself and release that stress of yours, that's why me and Taehyung plan this so you could at least take yourself off your work stuff." Rose added. You look at both of them and sigh. Still having worries about your designs and the event.

"I can't help it. I'm worried and nervous at the same time. What if it goes wron-"

"Shhht. Shush. Nah ah. Stop it. Jeez Y/n relax. Stop with those thoughts" Taehyung cuts you off as he continue to cook for dinner. Rose held your shoulder and smile. "Don't worry much. It will turn out real good. Trust yourself, okay?"

God is so great to give you such friends.


Finally updating!

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