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A week later. You're back at your company working as usual. Checking each designs, signing papers, reading some files and emails from other companies and stuff.

That's your daily routine in your office.

The workers are really doing their job the week when you're not arround as you have to take a week break since you've been in your office for like every day and you have no time to rest.

Your work is not that much than before as your assistant take a good care of it last week when you're off. And you're thankful for that.

Somehow, your mind drift off and started to think about the your new friend. That Jeon handsome guy. You never seen him after the dinner you both had.

Message? Nope. The last time he sent you a message was like a week ago.

Is he ignoring you? Why would he ignore you when didn't even do anything wrong? No. Don't think about that way. He's maybe just busy. With his works? Right he's also a designer like you so you understand why he's not meeting you or texting you.

And question... Why are you bother by that? Because he's a new friend? Like new friend should like Hangout or something like what you and rosie do back when you first met her. Then know each other more. Like that.

But again!! You're adult now. Working. Busy all the time that had no enough time to hangout with friends. Maybe sometimes, weekend and holidays.

Your phone vibrated and grab it instantly. Looking at the name of the sender and click the message with a smile.

^Jeon^: hope your not busy. Wanna grab lunch together?



You can see him. Leaning against his car with his working suite on. Eyes are focused on his phone. Looking so manly. Handsome. Hot.

"I'm sorry if i keep you waiting. I just finished signing some papers" he looks up at you, putting his phone inside the pocket on his blazer.

"No don't be. I just got here a minute too so don't be sorry." He smiles and so you do. He open the car door for you and gesture you to get inside his expensive car. Being a gentleman.

"Let's head off shall we?"


"This steak is the best I've ever tasted in my entire life!" True! So true!

The steak was really delicious! It's so tender and juicy!

Jungkook chuckles and lean closer a bit. Only to wipe some smudge on your lips. You're a bit surprised and flustered. He's being so romantic and gentle to you ever since you two became friends. Never fail to make you feel butterflies in your stomach.

He talk to you nicely. Even tell you how busy he is and bunch of files arrive at his office every hour last week as he said.

Such a busy man!

"Glad you're enjoying! I wish i can take you to the places you've never been before" kinda sounds weird but exciting.

"I'll be glad if you do that but i know you're busy with some stuff so.. save your time"

"I know. And you are too. Maybe we can just grab lunch together then, just like what we're doing now or maybe hangout when you have free days.. weekend? How's that sound?"

Well that's sounds good tho. Lunch together and hangout together with this man? Why not?

"Sure!" You sound so excited in your tone, making Jungkook chuckle. He also felt joy rush in him. Probably because his plan is going well like what he expected.

"Great. Are you free tomorrow?" Jungkook ask as he eat the last piece of meat before drinking his red juice.

"Tomorrow.. well i don't have much work so.. yeah i am!" You wipe your mouth with the clean napkin as you finish eating your food.

"Great! Tomorrow then. I'll see you at the lobby then?" You nodded. "Yeah. Oh.. what time?" Both of you stood up from your seat and head out of the resto.

"Maybe 10am? Are you fine with it?" Totally fine! Perfectly fine!

"Okay! 10am it is." Jungkook nodded and open the car door like he did before.

"Hop in Angel"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now