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Let's get playful, yea?🙈


The sun goes up and starting to light up the whole city of Seoul. Streets and roads starting to get all crowded and noisy as the day started.

Mostly busy people are out right now. Going off to their own job and start working! Get paid! Gain money!

While here you are...

Laying on the bed with a god damn hottie. One arm under his head and the other one is under you. What a great pillow!

The blanket is lowered around his hips, he's shirtless so his sturdy abs are flashing out.
What a view you have right now huh!

You wanna stay like this till the next day for sure! Or maybe till the last day of your breath. Just wanna stay like this with him.

On the other point of view, He's already awake. He woke up earlier than you. Admiring your face while you're sleeping so peacefully in his arms.


How he really wish he can be with you without any problem.

You stared at him for a good 5 minutes before you sat up and lean closer to his face. Planting your lips against his.

It's 7am and you're not going to be all horny. But how can you not? You woke up with a shirtless tasty man in front of you. You don't mind having a heavy breakfast.

You feel his hands going around your waist as you continued to kissed him. Tongue are now involving. It's now getting steamy.

The hot steamy kiss might gone to something else but a ringing sound from your phone disturbed the both of you. Making him pulled away and caress your waist.

"Answer your phone.. I'll be in the kitchen" as he peck your lips before leaving your behind.

You sighed and grab your phone from the side of the bed and answers the call. It's Taehyung.

"Heya Y/n! I just want to greet you a good morni-" That's it.. friendship over.

"Damn Tae you ruined it!"


It's 8 in the morning and now he's in the kitchen with you. Cooking breakfast for the both of you.

"Does it taste delicious or i need to put more sauce?" Jungkook asked as he feed you a small slice of meat he cooked. You munch the meat very slow. Letting it melt down your tongue.

"Mmm.. it's delicious.. more please" as you open your mouth for another slice. Tongue out. Now he's wondering if you want to taste more of his cooking or you just want to taste something else from him?

"Be a good girl and you can have more later hm?" He said and held your chin up, putting his thumb inside your mouth.

You wrap your lips around his thumb, swirling your tongue around it and nodded your head. You don't know where you get this bravery to do this! His eyes darken and smirk at your behavior.

Gosh you're making him go insane! He needs to calm down or else he'll bang you in no seconds.

He's ready to play too of course. "Words Angel.. i need words" he pull out his thumb and played with your lips.

You look at him with your eyes looking like begging for something. Teasing him more. "Yes.. I'll be a good girl" heck yea! Let me be a good girl. behave!

He wrap his manly hands around your neck, slightly choking you and lean closer to you. "That's right.. if you behave then you'll get anything.. more than you ask for.." his voice are raspy, his eyes stares at you full of lust. Making your knees weak and just want to kneel down for him.

"Really? More than i ask for?" You tilt your head a bit and sensually trace your fingers around that expose bulky chest of him to his tattooed wrist that is gripping your neck a bit hard.

"Mhm.. more than what you ask for so.." you let out a small yelp as he lift you up and make you sit on top of the counter. ".. Behave and let me finish this up yeah?"

And you sit still and look like a pretty good angel like he asked.

Waiting for him to finish the food he cooked and eat delicious meal!

Sorry for being inactive:( I'll try to update more!

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now