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"Why didn't you tell me you're coming back!?" you ask, pounding your feet on the marble floor. Taehyung finds this endearing and ruffles your hair.

"I was planning to surprise you," he teases.

"Ha, you definitely did." You giggle.

Taehyung has indeed been your childhood best friend, along with Rose. Unfortunately, his family had to leave the country due to his father's medical issues, and he was forced to move alongside them.

"It's been sixteen years, and now you're back," you mutter to yourself, unable to believe the truth of the statement.

Your face heats up as Taehyung wraps his arms around you, his touch sending shivers down your spine. His words about you being his best friend since childhood days bring forth a bittersweetness in your heart.

His brother slips into the conversation, reminding you of the purpose of this meeting. "So you two already know each other, huh?" He chuckles, his expression playful.

"Yeah, we've been best friends since childhood," Taehyung confirms, holding you in his arms.

His brother lets out a soft chuckle, clearly enjoying the reunion of childhood friends. "Well, I'm glad the both of you reunited after a decade of being apart... But now, Miss Y/n, should we start our private meeting?"


It's pass 9. And you haven't eaten dinner yet. Kinda busy handling private meeting, meet ups, and designs.

Always been this busy but the toughest day for you. You walk towards your personal rest room with a white pouch and put it in the black marble sink. Washing your face with the cold water before retouching your makeup.

Once your done, you put all your belongings inside the pouch and head out the rest room. Straightly going to your table and grab your bag, putting the pouch inside and grab your phone, heading out your office.

"Goodbye miss. Have a safe drive!" The guard bid his goodbye to you as you step out the building. Grabbing your car key from your bag and unlock your car before stepping in inside and drove back to the penthouse.

As soon as you arrive, you park your car nicely and entered the building. Wanting to get inside your place, eat dinner and take your beauty rest.

"Miss Y/n? If I'm not mistaken?"

Suddenly, a voice was heard from behind. You already know who. "Mr Jeon.. told you to just call me Y/n. No need to be formal" you smiled at him and he do the same. Genuinely.

"I don't want to call you just by your name when you are calling me formally. It's like I'm not showing respect to you" how thoughtful of him!

You sigh and nodded. "Fine. Call me Y/n from now on Jungkook.. let's not be too formal since it's the two of us. " He chuckles. Darkly. "Yeah.. okay Mi- Y/n" you let out a soff laugh and he rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh.. are you heading back home now?"
"Yeah, I still haven't eaten dinner yet and it's pass 9"
"Great then! They have restaurant here. let's eat together!"


You are now sitting infront of Jungkook, eating a five star cuisine. You both didn't go out since the huge penthouse building has it's own restaurant which is in the second floor.

He paid the food which cost a bit too much. You don't know how much he paid but it's sure that he spend a lot of money for the food. Not just the food but also the expensive wine.

"So you decided to be a designer instead of nursing? Nursing is cool too." Yeah but being a designer is way cooler. It can also make you rich.

"Yeah. I discovered that I have a good taste in fashions and designs when I was at my last day of my high school. So I go to college and learn more things about fashions and designs." He nodded and take a sip of his wine.

"How about you? Why did you ended up liking fashion and designs?" You ask. He wipe his lips with the clean tissue and lean against the chair.

"I got interested in drawing when I was a kid. I sketch every picture that flash in my head. I draw and draw until when I was 13, my mom, who has a very good taste in fashions, ask me to draw a random clothing design. I can't remember why but yeah.. I draw her one. It turns out good that she even launch the design I sketched and it went trend-"

You are staring at him while listening attentively. You notice that he is really good looking, just like what Rose told you when you first saw him. Pretty lips, pointed nose, dark brown eyes. Let's not forget how well-built he is.

The piercing he has makes him way hotter than ever. Let's just say, no other boys can top this man!

"-and that's why I became a designer and now handling my mom's and dad's fashion company" you slowly nodded and clap your hands in tiny.

"You're a cool kid before. Unlike me.. I'm this nerd 'who don't even know about anything' kid" he chuckles after he chugs his wine.

He was about to talk when your phone rings. "Oh sorry., wait a second" as you grab your phone from your bag. However, Jungkook is not liking the scene now. When you grab your phone from you bag, he stares at it with eyes red blood. The phone call end and he calm himself down.

"Why did he call?" You frown and put your phone back inside your bag. "Who called you? Boyfriend?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Oh no no.. he's a friend of mine. I don't have any boyfriend"
"Hm.. impossible, you? No boyfriend? Bet many boys are wanting to have you"

His voice sounds so raspy and looks deep in your eyes. "Yeah. I'm still not interested.. maybe soon when i found the perfect man for me"

He chuckles. "I see.. uhm, it's almost 11. We should head home now" both of you stood up, leaving the restaurant and head inside the elevator. Once it stop at his floor he got out and faced you.

"I'll go now.. see you when I see you.. oh and hope you'll found your man soon. Goodbye and good night pretty " he turn his back and leave you alone.

He walks through the hallway, his thoughts filled with your image. It keeps flashing through his head, and he secretly loves it. His smirk only grows wider the more he thinks about you.

"Why do you need to find an angel when you already have a demon?" he whispers to himself, relishing in the thought. "Pretty angel... can't wait to have you back, my bad angel."

No more hate please..

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now