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"I'm leaving.. I'll see you later!" Rose gave a quick goodbye as you set out for work. It was Friday and you had a short meeting to attend to discuss the new designs. While it was a little tiring, you don't mind it. You love your work and would do anything for it.

You stepped inside the elevator and leaned against the wall, waiting for it to reach the ground floor. But when it stops at the 6th floor, a buff guy enters, pressing himself close to the opposite side.

It's the same guy you bumped into yesterday at the restaurant. An absolute model with a buff body and chiseled features. His chest, Wearing black silk shirt under his deep blood red blazer, the three buttons were opened, exposing his buff chest. His thick thighs were flexed and defined under his black pants. The whole appearance was absolutely dreamy.

He pressed the button for the floor you were headed towards, leaning closer to your side. The elevator doors slowly closed behind him, enclosing you two together in this tiny space.

His right middle finger that was adorned with a silver skull ring and a chain of expensive silver bracelets wrapped around his wrist. His raven black hair swept back from his face, revealing his chiseled jawline. Gosh, how could a man be this hot?!

He caught you staring at him, and when your eyes met his, he smirked. "Done checking me out?" he asked, his words dripping with confidence. Your words truly were stuck in your throat, and they melted away.

He rubbed his neck and slipped his hands into his pockets, showing no sign of nervousness.

"Am I really that hot that your words are stuck and melted away?" he asked, his good looks allowing him to get away with such cocky banter. You knew he was lucky he was good looking, otherwise you would be furious that he had such confidence.

He smirked, knowing full well how he affected you, and he was enjoying every minute of it.

"First of all, I'm definitely not checking you out," you lied through your teeth. It was absurd to think you could possibly be staring at this man like he's a hunk of steak, ready to be devoured by a gorgeous angel like yourself.

"Oh really?" he challenged. "Then why am I so attractive that I can capture your undoubted attention?" Damn it, why is he right and you know it?

You were silent for a moment trying to come up with a good comeback, but none came to mind.

"I'm not staring!" you claimed. "It's just that I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new or maybe a guest of one of the residents?"

His answer surprised you. Turns out this man is not just a handsome stranger, but comes from a rich family. That explains his confidence and why you can't help but feel drawn to him.

"Well, my brother owns one of the penthouses here," he shared.

You were speechless hearing the revelation. This man is not only attractive but also come from a wealthy family. No wonder he carries himself like a prince, with confidence dripping from his words.

"Wow, really?" you exclaimed, feeling a little bit starstruck hearing the details of someone so important.

"Yeah, my brother moved to San Francisco as my dad wants him to take over his business there. He left me his penthouse here so I have a place to stay," he continued.

So.. he's really rich then? Richer than you? Maybe.

"What business are you handling now?" you asked, curious about his work. "Fashion," he replied confidently. "My mom owned this company, but she passed away a few months ago. Now I'm taking over the business."

'No wonder he looks so fashionable!' you thought to yourself. He really knows how to style himself and has a good taste in fashion.

"Sorry to hear about your mom," you said, offering a sympathetic smile. "It's fine, you don't have to apologize." he shrugged. "How about you? Are you working?"

"Yes, I own a fashion company just down the road." you responded.

"Oh wow. That's cool. I bet your parents are proud of you."

You managed a slight smile. You knew they would be proud of you even if they hadn't lived to see you become successful.

"We've been talking, but I haven't introduced myself," he said abruptly as he approached you. As he walked closer and reached out his hand for a handshake, you noticed the ambiguous expression on his face. His lips curved into a somewhat smirk but also a hint of a smile. You weren't sure what to make of it.

"Jungkook... Jeon Jungkook," you repeat his name in amazement. His once brown eyes are now completely black, with just an edge of red that gives his look more intensity.

He is the most handsome guy you have ever seen, but that's almost overshadowed by his presence. It's like his aura is just radiating off of him, capturing your attention and pulling you in.

What is it about him that draws you in so much? Who is he really?

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now