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Mood 'inner self' teaserMe, Myself & JungkookSpecial 8 photo-folio

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Mood 'inner self' teaser
Me, Myself & Jungkook
Special 8 photo-folio

This teaser photo honestly gives me heaven by hell vibe!


You initially met him a month or so ago, correct? However, the way the two of you interact suggests that you have known each other for a long time. even engaging in behavior you shouldn't. You weren't really surprised when you first met him; instead, it left you with an unsettling feeling. You have probably heard this over a thousand times in your thoughts.

Jungkook never ceases to elicit conflicting emotions, which can occasionally befuddle you. However, you've never voiced a complaint.

As the times go by, you continue to crave him. wishing he was with you. a desire to experience his warmth wanting to be with him. And while you're without him, they persist every single day.

He said, "Are you ready to go? Let's head home," which confused you. He mentioned having something to show you earlier in the car.

You followed him up and stood, saying, "But you said you have something to show me. He turned to face you and grinned a little.

He kissed your cheeks and grabbed your hand, saying, "I have a crucial thing to accomplish later.. I'll show you the other time, okay?"



As soon as Jungkook parked his car in the space reserved for him, the car came to a stop. removing his seatbelt. You are going to follow suit when all of a sudden he hovers over you and presses his succulent lips against yours. catching you by surprise

As he continued to kiss your lips, he held you by the jaw to keep your head still. The seat belt around you is unbuckled by your hands, and you move your hands around his back until they reach the nape of his neck. You found it so hot that you had a large amount of his hair in your hands and forced him to groan.

After over ten minutes of kissing, you both start to feel exhausted. You carefully withdrew your lips from his and gazed into his now-lust-filled eyes.

And here you are once more, feeling your body weakening gradually while experiencing a searing sensation within that causes you to sweat and breathe unevenly.

He slightly leans your head to one side before latching his lips to your neck. Once his lips are in your soft spot, he will place wet kisses there. Causing you to moan silently.

Before moving to the other side of your neck and repeating the action there, his tongue barely brushes the region where he leaves a noticeable mark. Not to mention the fact that his hands slowly descended your fitted pencil skirt. contacting and giving your inner thighs a slightly rough grip.

You two keep making out inside his car, and it's becoming hotter and hotter. In order to completely hover you and place his lips on yours, Jungkook then drew away from your neck and adjusted the position of your seat. He didn't stop kissing you, therefore his lips are already puffy. His obsession with your lips is uncontrollable.

His tongue gently touched your lips, beckoning it to enter and explore your mouth. And you allowed him. You feel his tongue barely touch yours as you lightly part your lips. fighting for dominance.

And as expected, he won.

When you suddenly felt his thumb push the bundle of nerves that caused you to moan against his mouth, you gasp against his lips. at his own pace, rubbing, pressing, pinching it. Getting faster and rougher.

Because you are getting so sensitive, you try to stop him by grabbing his hands, but he simply growls as a warning to let go and let him do anything he wants to you.

You carefully release his hand because you don't want things to get worse. All you do was moaning and bicep-grabbing. Legs begin to shake gradually. Your wetness is thickening.

Not way too long. His lips were separated from yours as he withdrew his hand. He placed his thumb in his mouth and wrapped his lips over it. He looks at the panting figure of you. As soon as he notices your eyes, which only display submissiveness, his eyes get even more dark.

Jungkook raised your chin while leaning closer to you with his face. "Get in the back. Now"


I swear it's not me who's writing smut stuff lol... this is my payback for the short chapter i published. Hope you enjoy!!

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now