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It's pass 10 minutes and yet you two are still in each others arms. Enjoying the warmth that You're giving to each other. You're not even bothering of the fact that you're not wearing underneath the shirt.

It doesn't matter to you since the shirt covered your body enough. So it's not really obvious that you have nothing underneath it.

Jungkook, caressing your arm gently like you're a fragile glass. Other arms are wrap around your waist tightly like you're a gem he's afraid that someone might steal from him.

He just want to stay like this with you forever, yet he can't have you peacefully just like how he wanted. No one will bother you and him. No one will stop him from having you. No one will take you away from him.

However, as much as he wants that, he knows that you and him are not for each other but he can't help it. He just fall for an Innocent angel.

Yes. He cross his path with you in a very bad situation, he made you be like him, manipulating you and did sins with him. And that's one of the reason why you're here. Punished. And the second reason? Well.. to purify yourself from the sin you've done.

You made sins too but just a slight sin. Not really counted.



The sound of your phone interrupted one of the best moment in your life. Stupid phone.

You pull away from the hug and grab your phone placed on the coffee table. It's Rose.

- Sissy are you at home or at your company?

>I'm not at home.. not in my workplace too

Jungkook stares at you while you're texting Rose, rubbing your thighs while the other one held your waist so you won't fall back.

"Is it about work baby?" You at him and shook your head. "Nope. It's my best friend" he doesn't need to ask who cause he already knows that person but let him act like he doesn't know that 'best friend' of yours.

"Best friend? Is it the one who's with you the first time we bump into each other?" And you nodded your head while your eyes fix on your phone.

"Yep!" You answered with the sound of popping and you continued to fiddle your fingers on your phone.

- ohh ... Then where are you right now girl? At your parents?

>I'm not there either..

- ookay? So you're not at home. Not in your company too. You're not in the cemetery. Then girl where are you right now!?

I'm in a big penthouse with a handsome hot guy who fcked the shit out of me last night and now he's acting super gentle to me. How you wish you can tell this to Rose but nah.. she'll whoop your ass for sure.

"Why is she texting? Is it about work? Needed to leave?" He ask. Slipping your hair behind your ear and caressed your cheeks while the his tattooed hand still rubbing your thighs gently.

"No. She just ask where am i right now, That's it"
"Caring. Is she always like that t you?"

"Yeah always! She's like a mom that always be asking about her daughters condition, where did her daughter goes and stayed, did her daughter eat properly, is she doing fine at work. She's like that! she took care of me like a real mom should do!"

Well then he needs to thank that friend of yours for taking of his Angel while he's gone.

"Such a good friend you have!" Yeah! Such a good friend! But his eyes are now travelling to your body.

He grip your thighs a bit hard and slip it inside your shirt to caress your bare hips, making the hem of the shirt you're wearing hiking up. Exposing more of your thighs.

You're too focused on texting Rose that you didn't notice him pulling you closer to him. His head slip in your neck and plants some butterfly kisses.

"What are you doing kook?" You let out a chuckle as the tips of his hair tickles around your jaw and neck.

"Just kissing your pretty neck" Yeah! sucking slightly, nimbling, licking your neck, leaving mark for sure. This is not JUST kissing!

His both hands are now caressing your waist up to your ribs, his hand are just under your round mounds while kissing, more like sucking your neck.

You know where this going to end.

You have to stop this horny man before he makes you like a limping dog!

>I'll message you later then!

Okay! I'll be home in an hour!
See you sissy!

>See you!

You put your phone away and cup Jungkooks cheeks and make him look at you. His lips looks slightly swollen. Grip tightens as you stopped him.

"What's wrong Angel? Did i do something wrong?" As he tries to kiss your neck again but you held him back, making him frown.

"I have to go to work and i don't want to walk around with hickeys on my neck." Well he already leave a few marks.

"You have a few marks now though. Let me!"
"No Jungkook! I'll cover them up later so no one will notice"

"Then give me something else" he gropes your breast with a teasing smirk displayed on his face. Oh you know what he means by that!

"I don't want to walk around weirdly kook! I'm also still sore!"
"Oh yeah? Did i went rough on you last night?"

Again with the smirk of him.

"You did!" You pout. You love it when be do you rough to be honest. No lies. No complaints about it.

"Then I'll be gentle this time. Want to feel more of my baby's warm pssy again"

Oh god..


I'll let you guys imagine what happened next ;)

No smut for the next chapter lol

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now