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I want to update before making a video of my report for school before the deadline! If not then I'll be reporting infront of my classmates! and i hate that! I'm not a person who likes to talk infront of many!

Anyways have fun! Stay safe <3


"so Angel ... what do you want to talk about?" As he wipes a little smudge off on your lips after feeding you a whole slice of cake. He ate too but just two of maybe three bites. That's it.

You honestly love the way he treat you like this. Like you're a special thing that he adores and wants to take care of till the end of his life. You feel so loved and appreciated and more.

Heart and stomach are swelling like crazy, feels like you're riding a rollercoaster, everytime he acts soft to you. You always have this thought, behind his flirty and cocky attitude, intimidating and bad aura ... There's this soft one hidden in it. Right? You just knew it.

But at the same time, you can't just say he's a good person. Yes, he's showing you this good and soft side of him but you still haven't know him fully. Maybe this good side he's showing you right now is just a mask?.. you don't know!

"Hm? What do my pretty Angel wanna talk about?" He ask. Making your thoughts cut off.

You put away your laptop and phone as you're done with your work. Completely turning around to him, giving him all your attention.

"I wanna talk about... Yesterday night.." he only stare at you, not opening his mouth to speak. ".. i kinda thought about it last night and i ... Have decided it"

Your fingers are fiddling as your eyes stares at his. Waiting for his reply. He pulls you closer to him, grabbing you by your waist.

"So what is it? Tell me Angel" his fingers caressed your hair and tuck it behind your ear. "I..uh-" you stare at his dark eyes. You don't know why but you feel a hot sensation rising up your body.

Lust starting to fill your eyes.

"Tell me angel.." his deep voice sends shivers down your spine. "I decided that... We should get to know each other more.. i barely know about you."

A smile showed up on his good looking face and slightly bobbing his head. "Well.. i already expect you to say that... " Of course! He can read minds!

".. and that's fine with me.. i know soonest you're going to be mine" he pulls you closer to him, more like making you straddle him. His hand your jaw while the other one are gripping your thighs, firmly.

He grabs your hands and wrap it around his neck and cup your cheeks. His eyes are sharply pierced to your ones. Making you gulp.

His eyes are yelling lust. Everytime you look into his eyes. There's always lust.

"How can you say you know I'll be yours?" You dared to question him. Eyes wanting to avoid his but you just can't. You can't move your eyes nor your body. You feel like you're stiffened by his deadly touch.

"I know... 'cause I'll be doing anything to make you mine.. want me like you never want someone else... " As he's lips are now pressing against the skin of your inner arms while staring at you. deeply.

".. want me like how i want you .... I'll do everything.. everything for you to want me back " he looks at you for a second before pressing his lips against yours.

Smirking against your lips, knowing you've already fallen into it ... It'll be easier for him then.


Yay! I almost collected a hundred of photocards for the giveaway soon!!

Still need more!
Stay tuned! Bye ;)

Still need more!Stay tuned! Bye ;)

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