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"I'm home!!" You yelled as soon as you open the door. Walking straight to the living room where you can see your friend talking with the man who's hotly sitting across her with a huge two boxes on top of the small table.

"Oh hi y/n! This hottie is looking for you! He's really nice to talk with!" Rose spat as she walk towards you.

You sighed and smile at her. "Can you leave us for a bit please" Rose nodded and pat your head. "Sure! I'm actually baking some cookies." She said before leaving to the kitchen.

Walking towards the man who's now standing tall, now is facing you with a smile on his face. "Glad you're home now ... I was actually hesitating to come here as you said you have a dinner with a friend.." he pauses as he walk closer towards you.

Grabbing your hands as he drag you towards the couch. ".. but.. i badly wanted to drop off this gifts that i wanted to give you and talk about something with you."

You both sat in the couch, your eyes are glued on the boxes you have infront. "Jungkook.. you don't have to do this" he just chuckle and grab one boxes and place it on your thighs.

"But i want to, so let me be. Now open it.. I'm hoping you'll like it!" He said. Seriously, why is he giving you gifts? It's not your birthday though. There's no any special events.

Your hands slowly untie the ribbon and carefully opened the box. There, you can see a whole set new arrival makeups from Christian Dior.

Your eyes widen in surprise as you didn't expect to receive a really expensive gift from someone.

This gift must be cost a lot of money!

"Jungkook.. this is way too expensive as a gift" you only heard him laugh a bit and shook his head. "Everything is cheap when it comes on buying for you" why is he like this?

"Kook you shouldn't have buy stuff like this just to give it to me.. it's way too-" "you don't like it?... Don't you?"

You search for his eyes but no. He fix his gaze on the glass wall infront of him. Watching the beauty of the city.

"I mean i do but.. this cost a lot of money. And I'm no one nor a special someone to you to receive this kinds of gifts... You know what i mean?"


He thought you already know how much he wants you.

He did show it to you in many ways although it's just a few weeks yet he tried to constantly see you even though he is busy in the other world he ruled.

He always leave his kingdom to see you and to do stuffs so you can slowly get closer and closer.


You're maybe .... Maybe too blind to see that he wants you to be his? Or... All of the things he did is not just enough to show you how badly he wants you?

Yeah. Maybe he needs to do more so your eyes will be opened and see how much he wants to be with him forever.

"But baby ... What if i want you to be someone special to me?"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now