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As soon as he arrived in his kingdom, he sat down on his beloved burning throne like a king of hell he is. His friend appeared on his right side and whispered on his ear.

"They arrive just a moment ago.. they're waiting for you and have a talk" Yoongi whispered on him. Jungkook who was still glaring at the three person infront of him. He straighten his posture, dark wings are spreading out in all its glory.

"I don't remember myself inviting such a glorious angels in my kingdom" Jungkook with his emotionless face.

"We're here to have a talk with the king of the underworld" one of the Angels step forward.

"You're now facing him. Talk"
"We know what you've been doing in the world of the living. Thought we throw you away-"

"But guess you didn't. How funny you Angel's thought you finally thrown away the King of evils. But you're wrong."

"Stay away from Y/n"

Now that make him mad. He doesn't know why they want him to leave you when he clearly showed them before that you belong to him. You're no longer an angel. You're no longer one of them.

He slam his hands against the arm of his throne and shouted at the Angels. "I am no fool to follow your order! You have no rights to separate me away from her!! She is no longer one of you! Y/n belongs to me and no one else!" He growls.

With that he point his finger at them and raise them up. Making them vanish away from his kingdom. He can't let them took you away like what they did before. He'll take care of you and make sure no Angel can took you away from him.

You're his. No one else.


The smell of the coffee trailed down your nostrils as you sniff your drink of the day. A great starter for your wonderful morning.

It's saturday and you're now here chilling in your house. Reading magazines and stuff.

Rose? She left a few minutes ago. Said her mom needed her at the other side of the country and will be staying there a week or so.

So now you're alone!

You look at the time. 8.38 am. Should you go shopping? Yeah! That'll be great!


"Total of 2756$ miss" the cashier place all the items inside the paper bag neatly before giving it to you. Giving your card to her as you pay all the items you bought.

"Thank you miss! Enjoy shopping" you smiled at her before leaving the store. Roaming around the mall with the bags on your hands.

You're kinda hungry now. It's now Lunch time!! You haven't notice the time you spent shopping for your new clothing and perfumes that's why, so you decided to enter a mini Japanese resto.

One of the staff assist you inside and lead you towards the empty table they have for and started taking your order.

"Yakisoba and sashimi.. any food or drinks you want to add miss?"
"A plain water will do"
"Noted miss!"

As the waiter leaves your table, you feel a soft tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see who's that person, and it's Taehyung in his casual suit.

"Tae! How long have been here?" You stood up giving him a warm hug. "Just got in.. i was about to buy my brother a gift since his birthday is coming next week" he took a seat infront of you as the you continue your conversation.

"Oh really? Send my birthday greetings to your brother!!"
"I will! Was about to invite you over to celebrate his birthday but sadly he needs to go to Canada. Gonna celebrate his birthday with his wife and baby"

"That's fine. How about you? Are you coming with him?"

"No.. i have to take care of his company while his out of town"

You both continue to enjoy your conversation. Topic over topic untill you finished eating your foods. It's been awhile since the two of you did this.

You miss hanging out with Taehyung. Even though you hangout the time he surprise you on your office but it's still not enough.

"So.. i need to go now or else i won't be able to buy his gift" chuckling, you both stood up from your seat and grab your stuff. Ready to go!

"Yeah. I see you when i see you! Bye Tae!"
"Bye Y/n! Take care of yourself from someone..."

Wait what!?

What does he mean by that!?


"Angel's aren't listening to you huh.. really are thick-headed."

His fingers graze down on his glass and stare at bloody red coloured drink.

"No matter how hard they'll try to get y/n away from me. No matter how hard they'll throw me away or try to lock me up.."

he pauses as he look at the guy infront of him. Literally having this dark deadly stare.

"I'll protect her with all my mighty and won't let anyone touch her. Only i can."

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now