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Fck seriously!?!!!!!

comment your thoughts about this book so i can improve a lot in the future chapters:))

And oh wait... He's Handsome, isn't he??
Anyways let's move on the story!!



The next thing you knew was you're in someone's house. Not just someone's house but Jungkook's house. or should i say a huge penthouse. Same building as yours but at the top level.

His house is twice bigger than yours. This must be cost a lot of money. He's so rich. Really really rich as fck.

But that's not what you're thinking right now. You're thinking about what he said back when you're still at the Banpo bridge.

What does he meant by 'again' before kissing you? You don't understand. He said that you don't know how bad he wants you to have against his touch again. But why did he say 'again'?

Does he mean he have you before?

"Wine?" He came back from the kitchen with a bottle of red wine and two wine glass in his hands. Cutting your thoughts off.

You nod "Sure" he sat next to you put the glasses in the coffee table he has infront of the two of you and pour some wine. Handing you your glass as he took his.

"Cheers?" Raise his glass and so did you. "Cheers!" As you both take a gulp of the red wine.

And to be honest, the wine really taste good. Like so good. It's the bestest tasted wine you've ever drink. "This is really good! Where did you get it??"

Oh how bad he can't tell where did it really come. He has to lie then.

"My brother brought this from Poland. It's the most expensive wine in the country" Wow! Jungkook and his family are really really rich!! Like, they can buy all of the expensive things on every country.

Maybe they can also buy the most expensive things in the world.

"Wow! You guys are really rich huh.. everything you have is all really expensive that rarely people can have it"

He chuckles and nod his head before drinking his wine. Breathtakingly.

The way he throw his head back as he drink the last drop of the wine. The way his jaw flex. The way his lips attached against the wine glass. How you wish your lips is against his instead of the glass. Yours is better.

Or maybe have his lips against your body. Leaving some territorial marks on you.

Now your eyes travel down from his jaw his neck. Looking so tempting. Now down to his exposed chest. Three buttons are open, showing how buff his chest is. Looking so sturdy and strong.

Maybe soon you can hold his buff sturdy chest, supporting yourself while doing something on him. you'll be on top of him while doing 'that' thing you have in your mind now.

Your eyes are now looking at his thick thighs. You feel your heat aches as you stare at his thighs. You rub your legs together as an image of you doing something on his thighs.. riding it? Fck! Why are thinking of him that way!!?

"The way your eyes stares at me is enough to show how much you want to have me.. princess"

Oh fck-

Your eyes widen as you realize how close his face on you right now. That smirk plaster on his face. Damn it!!

He run his long finger through your jaw. Sending shivers down your spine. He then caress your bottom lip with his thumb then looks at your eyes deeply.

"I know what you have in your naughty mind now. Want me to kiss this pretty lips princess? Want me to have my lips travel against this naughty Angel's body? Or...."

He grabs your wine glass and put it on the table before hovering on top you. Now having you under him. Your head is now laying against the arm of the couch and his left hands are beside your head while his tattooed hand continues to caress your face.

Your heart beats fast. You don't know what to do. You don't know why you're not pushing him away. You just feel like you don't want him to stop what he's doing right now.

He lean more closer and whisper against your ear, continuing what he is about to say.

".. Want me to have you.."

Holy sht-

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now