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Your eyes are glued on his lusty one. You feel like you're in another world. He leans closer and leaves butterfly kisses on your ear to you jaw. Really making you feel weak.

"Hmm baby? Does my baby want daddy to make her feel good? Does she want to feel pleasured by daddy?" As he leaves light kisses on your neck. You too aroused now. You want him. There's no problem with it, right?

He look up at you. Way too close. Nose are touching yours. "I want you right now baby.." he slips his right knee between your legs. Spreading it using his knee.

You gasp as you his kness rub against your aching heat. You closed your eyes and bite your lips, holding back from moaning.

Jungkook smirk seeing your situation right now. He can already smell your arousal down there yet you're still holding it back.

"i can tell your so aroused now.. come on baby... Tell me what you want me to do..-" NO NO NO!!! that deep voice of him!!

Your hands grip his shirt tightly. A burning sensation starts to run down your whole body. Sweating and breathing heavily. What's happening??

You stare at his eyes, really deep. You feel hypnotized.

A sudden heat rush down your body. You feel like dancing in the middle of the fire. Shivers run down your spine and you're starting to sweat a lot. You don't know what's happening but the next thing you know is you grab him by his collar and said...

"yes please.. have me in your way"


The door slammed open and he entered the house. Having this worried expression.

"Where's Y/n?" He ask worriedly.

"I don't know.. I can't sense her. I tried to call her too but.. no answer"

"There's someone who's blocking us from hearing and smelling her so that we can't find her... Where could she be?" The girl continued.

A guy suddenly appear infront of him. Looking at the both of them with his eyes full of sadness and worry. "I can't find her.."

He then look at the window where he could see the city. There's only one person who can do that. Not a normal person. There's only one he knows who can hide you with it's powers. And that make him even more worry. He gulp and look back at the angel infront of him.

"I may know where she is.."


A half naked man is hovering on top of you. Showing his masculine arms, buff chest and that tasty pack. This mans body is way too perfect!!

His large tattooed hands gropes your waist as he kissed you deeply. Your hands snake from his back to his hair. Gripping it lightly, making him let out a groan against your lips.

With your lips still attached, fingers fiddling as he try to unbutton your tops. He tosses it aside when he successfully did, now flashing your covered round boobs.

He deepens the kiss as he didn't hesitate to rip off your bra, making you gasp at his sudden action.

It's the very first time of you to show off your body to someone you just meet a weeks ago. Your cheeks flushed red.

You cross your arms around your chest, covering your upper body as you look away from him.

He noticed that and so he grab both of your wrist and pin them down above your head. Holding them in place with his one hand whie the other one caress your face.

"Don't... You're so beautiful. Let me see how beautiful my Angel is yeah?" He says as he again kissed your lips.

The way his hands gropes your healthy mounds nonstop making you let out a whimper against his lips.

Pleasure is now taking all over your body. Your mind is empty. You can't think straightly. All you want is to have him ruin you.

His kisses travel down to the valley of your breast. Leaving light marks on your skin. Your eyes close as you feel his warm lips envolps your n!pples.

Warm tongue swirl around perky n!pples, biting it softly while he's groping the other one. Giving them fair treatment. Such a man with a good tongue.

Wonder what else can his tongue do....

He pulls away from your chest as he raise his body up. Kneeling in between your legs. "Fck.. angel so pretty under me" he says as he grips your thighs and pull you closer to his crotch.

He removes your skirt and throw on the other side of the room. He loudly curse in his mind as he saw you in a thin black panty. He can your arousal making a mess of your thin lacy black panty.

The demon inside hin growl. He leans back to you, grabbing your face as he deeply kissed you. He's so aroused by now.

Suddenly a very loud moan escape your lips. How can you not? He suddenly slip his two long slender fingers inside of you without any warning. Not really painful but still.

Your hands are gripping his wrist to stop moving. He smirk as he sees you reacting to his touch.

He plants kisses on your neck and collarbone as he started to move his fingers. Pumping it inside of you. Fingers moving faster and faster and faster. Wet sounds and your moans fill up the room. He loves this.

"Fck angel.. you're so wet!"

His thumb rub your aching nub, two fingers still torturing your inside making you moan loudly. Fck you're already screaming because of his fingers. What about his mouth? Tongue? What about his c0ck?

Your eyes closed tightly. You tried to close you legs but he stopped you from doing it. Spreading you more. He stares at your face with his fingers still pumping in and out. He loves to see how you react.

He love to see how your body trembles, how your legs spread wider as he pump faster and faster, how your mouth gape, leaving pretty moans, how your hand grips his wrist as you can't accept the pleasure he is giving you.

Your body go nuts as you feel him curl his fingers. Touching your walls again and again. Your juice started to leake out of you. You cum.

"P-please Jung- ahh fck!" can't even finish your word when he suddenly curls his fingers in your g-spot. Making you release more juices.

You open yours eyes and stare at him who's already has his eyed on you.

"Hmm? Please what Angel? Tell me.." fck he's teasing you. Hands are still moving but painfully slowly.

"Please.." you whine as you feel him rubbing your clit.

"Please what angel? I can't do things if you don't tell me" as he rub his thumb on your clit faster that before.

"Ahhh... Plea-fck me!" Now that's what he wants to hear from you.

He pulls his glistening fingers out and suck it infront of you. He gave a soft slap on your wet heat making your body jolt due to sensitivity.

"Okay Angel.. gonna take this off" he didn't think twice and rip off your panty and throw it aside. He took off his pants together with his boxer and fck. The glory!!

He's big and thick and long! Now.. can you take him?

He turns your body to the side. You're facing your right side as he trap your right leg between his while he raise your left leg up. Giving him the view of your glistening whole.

He grabs his erection and rubs his tip in your whole. Letting out a soft groan. Fck that's hot!

He then positioned his c0ck right infront of your clenching whole. "We ain't stopping till I'm satisfied.. ready Angel?"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now