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Breathing heavily as you opened your eyes slowly. Your back is aching so bad as you feel the hard wall against your back and you felt a stinging pain in your shoulder. You groan as the pain worsen, placing your hands around your wound and blood stained your hands.

A groan again escape, but not between your lips. It was someone else groaning. You then look up only to see your beloved man. Looking at you with his eyes showing pain. He was breathing so heavily. Your hands caress his cheeks, founding a small cut. But one thing caught your attention.

He has wings. Dark wings was wrapped around you securely that it's afraid that someone might peek through its feathers and kill you.

You are confuse to see him like this, but somehow, you feel safe and not afraid, you lean against its soft feathers and close your eyes. This feel so right.

Just right.

"Are you okay, Angel?" He ask. His hands that is now wrapped half of it with a dark parasite-like thing, and nails that grew longer, caress your cheeks softly.

You nodded your head a 'yes', leaning more closer to his touch. "I'm okay. Thank you" you cried. Staring at the blood stained eyes. He looks so scary but your heart tells you not to be scared of him. He brings no harm.

He looks down, avoiding your stare as he thought you might get scared and run away from him. He doesn't want that. He doesn't want you to run away from him. He wants you to stay with him.

"..I- I'll tell you everything... once all of this settle down- okay? Angel?..." he leans his forehead against you and close his eyes. "Do you trust me?"

With no words. You hugged him so tight. Showing him through your action that you trust him a lot with your soul and heart. You just love this beautiful creature. You love him.

"I want you to st- arghh!" You scream when he suddenly flew and hit his body against the wall, creating a big crack. He groan as he glared towards the one who just hit him hard.

"You.." he growls as he flew back to you, hiding you behind his huge dark wings. "J-jungkook."

"You Satan, how many times should we repeat this situation just to stop you from chasing that innocent angel!" Said the man who's so bright that you're afraid to see it.

"Just like you said.. I am a satan. I'm not a follower but a king." He growls back.

You are so confuse right now as you listened to their conversation, your headache as you try to process all of it, bit by bit, yet you still didn't comprehend what they are trying to bring up right now.

"Y/n.... our sweeties Angel.." a soft voice called you. Your heart ache so bad that you started to cry your heart out. It pain so much. You clench your ripped dress so hard that your nails is digging through it and about to make a hole.

You don't know why you are crying so bad right now, that soft voice sounds like your father, calling out for you. You are about to stand up and look at the brightening person in front of you but Jungkook stopped you from doing so.

"Angel! Don't listen to him! He's trying to trick you-!"

"Remember my Angel. The day I and your sisters and brothers saved you from the hands of evilness? Your sisters and brothers were crying in joy as we have you back-"

"Y/n!! Do not listen to him!!" He shouts as he faced you, holding your arms as he stare straight to your eyes. Hoping you would listen to him.

But.. "-Remember my child, the reason why you're being reborn for multiple times, what's the reason of that?"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now