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You wanna get out.

You wanna run away.

You wanna dig your own grave right now.

You feel like you wanna die but at the same time you don't. The two of your friends aren't helping at all too. They are making it worse.

"Y/n told us about you often.." wait did you? When? ".. and she told us how good looking and kind you are .. i can see she didn't lie" you want to kill the both of them.


On the.


"Ha ha.. Jungkook don't listen to them.. they're talking nonsense.. lies" you awkwardly laughed and held the small knife tightly and harshly sliced a small piece of meat while making eye contact with your friend. They're shaking.

"Oh.. so you really haven't talk about me? Not even once with your friends?" Jungkook asked as he eat. Voice are sending shivers down your spine. Now you're the one's shaking.

"She did! She said you're her new friend! Remember Y/n when we-" Taehyung look at you and meet your deadly stare. "..we- nevermind"

"New friend?" Jungkook looks at you.
You gulp down. "Yeah! Like.. you know we both met each other like weeks ago and we got closer and we became friends, got it?"

Jungkook frowns but still nod his head. "But y/n you said yesterday that he's now cour-" you cut Rose off by feeding her a spoonful of one of the dish you cooked. She sent you a glare but still munch the food in her mouth.

"Delicious isn't it? Let's just eat before the food gets cold, yeah?"

And they did. Great! You can now eat peacefully!


"Thanks for the dinner y/n and nice to finally meet you in person Jungkook! I have to go now as i have something to discuss with my brother.. I'll catch with you guys soon!" As Taehyung bid his goodbye before he left your place. Not forgetting to walk him to your main door.

You wave at Taehyung for the last time and closed your door before making your way to the living room.

A wide smile are plastered on your face as you walk and walk till you almost reach the living room.

But then suddenly, your steps stopped and a frwon is now visible on your face.

"He's there.. we cannot do the plan well" A girl, surely it's Rose voice. Confusion starts to rise up. "I know.. we got another time to do it. We still have a lot of time to do it" Jungkook's voice rang across your ears.

What are they talking about?

Plans? What plans?

Are they planning to do things on you?

"Another time to do what?" You really didn't hold back yourself but step towards the space where the both of them are.

The both of them looks at you. One holds a calm expression while the other one was shocked.

"We're.. taking about- fck" Rose sighed and throw her head back and close her eyes, massaging her temples.

Jungkook stood up and walk towards you and gives you a quick peck on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow evening, let's have a dinner date, hm? Goodnight Angel" kissing you for the last time before leaving your behind.

You're still confuse! They didn't answered your question! Rose didn't finish what she has to say and Jungkook left without answering you.

"Rose.. what are you guys talking about earlier? What do you mean plan?" You walk towards her and sat across her.

Rose peek between her fingers and sat up straight with a wide teasing grin. What? They're talking serious just now. Their faces holds no emotion and now she's grinning at you?

"I promised Jungkook not to tell you! I might ruin he's surprise.." she giggled and stood up, heading towards her bedroom. ".. goodnight y/n-iee! love ya!"

I apologize for the boring chapter. I really have no idea right now. My head is empty and i don't know what to write for the next chapter. I don't know what will happen next huhu send help! (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now