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"You lusty evil deserves to die! You're the one why our lord has to suffer and die!" He shouted and was about to slit his neck when suddenly the devil laugh.

"Oh come on Yoongi- I mean Lord of Violence.." he then look at him with anger. ".. she's the one who's been possessing our lord and made him kill himself.. that's why she deserves to die!"

"You're not only a lord of lust but also betrayal... die you loathsome evil!" Yoongi slit his neck and threw him in the hell fire.

Finding out that lord of lust was the one who summoned the danger to kill you but ended up also summoning the Heaven's, he knows he has to end him.

"For you my Lord, I'll wait and let no one sit your thrown."


You sat down in the bench with your bag and a cup of coffee. Taking a break from your work.

You're in the park right now, chilling as you watch every persons who's enjoying the autumn season with their families and significant others.

Taking a bite of your bread and a sip from your hot coffee, watching a beautiful view, feeling the wind hits your skin. Oh so relaxing.

A young girl suddenly goes to you with a wide smile and sweat in his forehead. "Hi Miss.. you're so pretty! I like your hair!" She says pointing at your hair.

"Thank you! You look pretty too, and i like your pigtails. It's so cute." You ask her to come to you as you grab a tissue and wipe the sweat off her forehead.

"Why are you alone Miss? Are you waiting for someone?" She ask as she sat beside you.

"I'm alone because I wanted to spend time with myself only. I don't need anyone to be with me. And nope.. I'm not waiting or expecting someone right now." You politely answered her. Giving him a sweet smile.

But kids will be kids. They will ask you untill they're satisfied. "Oh why? Do you not have a boyfriend?"

"Well... I do. But not anymore." She pouted. "Why is that? Can you describe him still?"
You chuckled. "Well.. he's a bad guy. But he's really kind. He's cute and handsome actually. We both love each other so much that he left me for good."

"That is so sad. I bet he's still in love with you Miss... oh? What's this?" The kid pointed at your shoulder. You're wearing a sleeves top so your scar can really be seen if anyone came close to you.

"Oh this?" You look at your scar and caress it. Remembering every bit of the memory like it just happened yesterday.

She nodded. "Yep. How did you get that?" You sigh and lean your back against the bench. Can't believe you're now telling a story with a kid.

"Well.. I don't have to tell you but... i got this because he save me.."

The kid blink and smiled. "He does really loves you that he's really willing saved you from any danger Miss..." you nodded.

"Why aren't you playing with other kids? Are you with your parents?" You ask confused as she still sits there with you and not playing like what kids do.

"I am playing with my friends but this Guy ask and wanted me to give this to you! I'll see you around Miss!" She placed something in your thighs before she ran off and play with her friends again.

You look down. Hands are trembling as you pick it up. Your eyes widen in shock as you stare at the black feather the little girls gives you.

...but this Guy ask and wanted me to give this to you....


No way!

Does that mean-

"He's back!"



I'M SO SO SO SO HAPPY(but sad at the same time:( )

Thank you so much for all of your support and for keeping this book in your library/reading list! Thank you for bearing with me though I frequently update so late and slow that keeps you guys waiting. Thank you so much!!!!

2023, MAY 16TH


When a handsome but stone cold hearted boy turns out to be your babysitter for a god damn year. Will it be bad? Or good?

 Will it be bad? Or good?

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