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This should be published together with the finale. It should be a surprise that's why i didn't update this past weekends lol.


(need to skip more days cause I'm eager to finish this already)

2 days before the event

"Oh my god!! I'm obsessed with this red spicy dress!!" Rose is jumping while hugging the sample of one of your designs that will be presented in the event. It is indeed pretty.

The satin fabric that end till the ankle with a high length slit from both sides. The upper part of the dress is made of a see-through fabric, but still cover the chest area.

"Gosh stop jumping already. You'll ruin the dress!" You took your design away from her hold and put it on the side where all your designs are placed. "Can i have it after the runaway? Please y/n?" You shook your head and walk to the other side of the room.

"No. You can't. It might be sold from one of the designers or ambassadors attending the show before you know it. But don't worry, since your my sissy, I'll make you one!"

"Really?! Fuck- Ahhhh!" Rose, again, jump in happiness and after got distracted by the others designs you made, arranged on the other side.

You look at your phone and sighed. It's been two days since you have a last talk with Jungkook. You know his busy but you didn't expect that he's really busy that he can't even leave you a single message.

"Miss, the models are here, they're ready for rehearsal, 15 of them are here, still waiting for the other 3, they're on their way" you quickly switch off your phone and grab a file that will be needing for rehearsal.

"Great! Get the designs ready so they can try it out!"


"A ruler is no slave to a mere human!" Says the head of heresy, the sixth circle

"She's not a human! She's evil!" He growls back as his eyes turns into deep blood. He can't let anyone talk to you like that infront of him.

The fifth circle, the head Anger, stood up and walked in the middle. "She is no evil my dear lord! She's a fallen angel who's reborn to undo the sins you-" but before he could finish his words, he flew up in the air. Black smoke wrapping its throat, making him struggle.

"How dare you stood against the lord?!" The head of Treachery, ninth circle argued. All of the leader of every circles stood up. Including Yoongi, leader of the seventh circle of violence, stood next to Jungkook.

"You can't go back to the world of living if this won't settle down" he whispered to his King and gesture him, he'll handle the situation.

"My dear co-leaders, please, hold your devilish soul down, okay? You see he's still our lord-"

"H-how can he be our lord w-when he, hims-self is nothing but a sl-lave of that w-woma- argghh" Yoongi glared as he tighten the power around the leader's throat to stop him from talking.

Black blood Splatter around the hall and a loud thud echoed. The dead soul turned into a dark ash and completely vanished. Expecting to be at the river of dead souls.

"He is no slave. Now you can rest your soul" Yoongi's face the leaders with his chest puff up. Defending the king of inferno behind him.

"Our lord is just trying to have the things that belongs to him, taken by the Angels from him. Including the women we're talking about. And that woman belongs to us, she's no pure angel-" another leader of the fourth circle, Greed, cut him off.

"How can you say so? When we all know she's a fallen angel, reborn to undo the sins she did in heaven"

Jungkook stood up from his throne, spreading his wings with its glory.

"Don't worry my dear, because sooner or later she will be with us and rule hell together with me. And yes she's reborn to undo the sins she made but never reborn to return to heaven" he says before disappearing.

"I agree with the lord" the second circle, lust, blurt out. Turning around as he face Yoongi, eyes flaming red.

"Hold yourself down, don't be too impatient my lovelies. You're irritating the lord" he smirks and vanished from the thin air.

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now