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1 Day before the event

The modeling staff is moving from this location to another every single minute. or even moments. They do not have enough time to pause and rest their feet. To ensure that the location is ideal for the function tomorrow, more work must be done.

On the other side, you were preoccupied with making sure you brought every piece of clothing you designed and that it fit the model's body. You watch them practicing their walk while wearing the designs. Making sure that it goes perfectly well.

It's pretty tiring, to be honest. But this is the work you love since you were young, so you didn't actually mind how tiring it is. More on enjoying every bit of being busy with this job. You love it!

"Miss Y/n, i brought three chandeliers that will be use tomorrow, mind if i disturb you a bit and go with me? So that you can choose which among the three chandeliers is fit in tomorrow's event!" A staff grab your attention away from the practicing models.

"Oh yes! Great! Can i see the chandeliers, please?" You asked. "I've been waiting for it to arrive."

Heading towards the exit as you and the staff walk outside towards the three big trucks which you assume contains three different chandeliers.

The staff asked some men to open the truck so you could see and examine each chandeliers they brought.

You walked to the first truck and literally looking at the gorgeous chandeliers. It's really pretty but you need to see the other two, maybe there's another one prettier than the first one.

Second truck. You get a closer look at the second chandeliers and you could say it's gorgeous! It's perfect for the theme of the runway tomorrow.

Now. Third truck. The last chandelier they brought. Your eyes shines as you see how beautiful it is. Really gorgeous! Perfect for the runway.

"This is the most expensive chandelier we could have Miss Y/n, it cost a billion won. Made of the most expensive diamond. Real Cullinan Diamond from South Africa." The diamonds shining against your eyes as you stare at it.

"I'll take that."



"Miss Y/n, are you still busy? Wanna go out for lunch with us?" One of your workers approached you. It was time for lunch, everyone on staff stopped working and went to various eateries or grocery stores to get their lunch so they could eat and get their energy back.

"I'll maybe take my lunch later. You guys can go. Thanks!" They nodded. "Okay Miss Y/n. Please take this cookies if you feel like not eating heavy." Then they leave you alone. You continue to what you are doing so you can finish it faster and lessen the work later.

Your phone buzzes as a notification pop out. You pause your work and grab your phone from the table to reas the notification. And to your surprise it's from him.

^Jeon^: I'm out of work now kinda tired.
^Jeon^: are you busy, Angel? What are you doing?

Your face lighten up as you received a message from Jungkook. It's been a while since you both had a last chat with each other. Not gonna put blame on him and you cause both of you works at this busy field that it's even so hard to find time for yourself. Not even having a rest since the week you started preparing and designing for the upcoming event in which your company is having.

You're going to host this runway show as you are the CEO of this brand company and not just that but also the designer of some clothing that'll be flashed in the runway. You don't want this to go for nothing.

Him? You don't what stuff he's being busy for but for sure he's also working hard for his own rise. And that's just so great of him. A hard working man indeed.

< Nope. Not at all.
< I'm eating lunch right now. How about you?

Great. You just lied. Pretty white lies. Not bad. You just don't want him to worry or nag at you through chat.

^Jeon^: Me? Nothing really.

Oh. He must be resting at his place now.

^Jeon^: Just watching you designing a chair instead of eating lunch.

WAITT WHAT??!!!!!!

You quickly turn around your back and there you see a whole bucket of meal- NO Y/N HE'S NOT A FOOD! YOU'RE JUST HUNGRY!

"H-Hey Jungkook! How long have you... been there?" That was so Awkward!!!

He tilts his head a bit and let out a chuckle. "Long enough to see you had a great lunch right, Angel?"


Yooo! LMAO you guys really fall from that chapter i published lol. It's funny to read those comments but also made my heart felt so warm that you guys really are looking up for the updates.

Don't worry cause later I'll add some spiciness that'll make you wet your pant-EYES!

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now