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26 years later

Your tears stream incessantly as you stand in front of the grave of your parents. The flower placed between the grave soaks up the endless rain pouring down. The only sounds you hear are the raindrops hitting your umbrella and your sobs.

It's been a year since your parents passed away in a plane crash. Your life has been difficult ever since they left your side. You're lost without them. It's impossible to imagine going on without them.

You were engulfed by sadness and pain. You almost gave up everything you had. But then the thought of your parents being disappointed or sad because you let your sadness take over was too much to bear.

Instead of giving up, you stood up on your feet and steeled yourself. Luckily, you had a best friend to help you through these struggles. She had been there with you ever since your parents died. You are incredibly grateful for her presence.

Your hard work and dedication paid off, and you managed to finish your degree despite the challenges in life. Your part-time jobs helped you make ends meet, and your diligence resulted in incredible success. As the CEO of a fashion company, you have reached new heights in your career.

You imagine the joy and pride your parents would feel if they could see you now, a successful woman who achieved so much despite the challenges in life. You feel a sense of fulfillment for their sake, knowing that you would make them truly proud and happy.

- Sissy are you home?

The text from your best friend flashes on your phone, lighting up the dreary surroundings. You wipe your tears and reply to her. She doesn't know that you're here, spending a rainy day with your parents.

You don't want her to worry, so you reply and let her know where you are, so she doesn't have to wait by the door like a mother waiting for her young child to come home from school.

> at my parents rn.. don't worry, I'll be home in a few.

-oh no.. stay there!
-let's eat to this fancy restaurant.. I'll pick you up!

You chuckle and put away your phone, slipping it into your blazer pocket. Bending down, you touch the grave of your parents with sorrow and sadness. You can feel the cold raindrops on your face, and hear nothing but the gentle splashing of the rain. The sudden realization of this moment and the gravity of the situation hits you, making you feel a sense of loss like no other.

"I'll come back when I can.. I love you mom and dad"


"So you're coming up with a brand-new design for your fashion dress?" Rose's eyes are filled with wonder as she eats the food she just ordered. You nod your head as you take a slice of meat.

"Yeah, I plan to start making it tomorrow."
"Wow, that's amazing!" Rose exclaims, stunned by your talent and ambition. "You're absolutely incredible!"

"Seriously, girl, how do you do it!?" Rose exclaims. "Last month you had three designs that took off, and last week you showed me four sketches of dresses you're working on... and now you're showing me another one??"

You chuckle and wipe the corner of your lips. "It's just a talent, Rose." You shrug. "Maybe I am just gifted with this kind of talent," you say jokingly. "I can sketch many ideas for new clothing designs in a year!" "And that's what makes me richer than ever."


You now reside in a luxurious penthouse with Rose! The two of you are more successful than you can imagine.

You annually produce more than twenty designs, each one becoming a raging trend and selling like hotcakes. Your customers are the elite and rich who purchase your designs, particularly the stylish and expensive ones.

Not only do you create clothing, but also bags that are just as trendy and highly sought after..

"Are you heading back home now?"
"I am.. "
"Okay! Let's go home"

Rose leaves the cash on the table as you both head out of the restaurant. You suddenly bump into someone who's noticeably taller than you. He's clad in an all-black ensemble, his eyebrow and lip piercing sparkling as light hits the silvery jewellery.

He tilts his head, his dark, orb-like eyes staring at yours deeply. A faint smirk appears on his demonic yet angelic feature. The lingering feeling that you've seen him before lingers in the air, almost as though an unfamiliar presence is looming over you.

"Watch where you're going next time, princess," he said with his sweet, melodic voice as he entered the restaurant. You were left reeling from the sudden pet name.

"Princess, eh?" Rose said, looking at you playfully. "Seems like his handsome-ness has you enchanted, huh?" She smirked. "Don't let him distract you too much, he might just be a player..."

"Shut up!" you exclaimed, leaving Rose behind. You walked away with such conviction that she had no choice but to follow you.

"He's not even a tiny bit good looking!" you said, referring to the guy you had just met. His looks didn't impress you at all.

"That's why you're still single!" Rose replied, pointing out the obvious. To her, your high standards were the reason you had no boyfriend. She couldn't believe how picky you were.

You both continued arguing on the way back to the penthouse, not even noticing how the rain poured down on you. Even if Rose's words stung, you weren't wrong. You wanted the perfect guy, even if that meant you'd be waiting your whole life, or even die alone.


The sweet, familiar smell tickled his nose. It was the scent he had been wanting to smell for such a long time.

The way you looked at him sent him over the edge. He had finally found you again, after decades of searching this new world for his Angel.

Your body language spoke volumes, and he continued to smirk as you and your friend stepped away.

He leaned back against the chair and sighed contentedly.

"I've finally found you... My Angel." His words exuded passion and satisfaction.

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now