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They stare at the pair of wings that is locked up inside the glass, the lower half of the wings is no longer pure white. It's now black.. as darkness.

The pain inside their chest is unbearable. Tears escape their eyes as they stare at the wings. They tried their best to find a way.. but still no work.

Prayer over prayer. Hoping they'll break the boundary the demon made but.. it's strong than they thought it could be.

Bad, they feel bad.

"We failed. We failed to keep her safe and pure.." she said with her eyes fix down at the floor. Clutching her chest.

He shook his head. "No. We can't.... We won't fail this time! We will protect her with all the power we can! We don't want her to be punished by God and be a human forever, right? We want her back in heaven! We will bring her back in heaven!"

And the other Angel look up at him"But her wings.. it's slowly turning different-" he cut him off.

"We still have time!" He look back at the wings infront of him. "We still have time.. let's just hold on"


You woke up with a soreness in between your legs. Your eyes opened and greeted with a beautiful view of the city that can be clearly seen in the glass wall infront of you.

You look at yourself wrap with a white thick blanket, hiking up to your thighs. Slowly you remember what happened between you and Jungkook last night.


He was a pure beast last night!

It was mind blowing. It is your first time doing it with someone yet you feel like you already experience it.

Looking at the empty space beside you. He's nowhere to be found. Where could he be? Must be at the living room? Kitchent? Well let's find out.

Slowly getting off the bed and headed towards the chair that has his shirt hanging since that's the only clothe you saw first and you can't find your clothes anywhere, ignoring the pain you're feeling down there. You wear his black shirt that only covered half of your thighs.

You were about to head towards the door when suddenly the bathroom door opened wide and a man with only a towel hanging loosely around his hips came out.

"Oh.. glad you're awake angel! Good morning" as he walk towards you, giving you a peck on your foreheads before going towards his closet.

Your cheeks heat up and you gulp nervously. How can be this man so hot? He's driving you nuts!

"G-good morning" you stutter as you stood still on your spot. He chuckled and grab a grey pants. "you look sexy in my shirt.. you should wear my shirts every time you're here"

"Uhmm.. it's the only clothe that i could wear since i can't find my clothes..." You said while looking around. ".. and by the way, where did you put my-" oh my fcking hell!

You're eyes widen when your stare stop at him. Fuck he suddenly take off the towel around him and wear his pants.

Right. In front. Of. You.

You quickly look away while still in shock. "You could've just wear somewhere else and not be naked infront of me!!" Covering your face in embarrassment.

"Why would i? It's not like you haven't seen me naked" he chuckled and grab another towel to dry his wet hair. Walking towards you.

"Hushhh! Still.. you can't just took your towel off like that!" You whine with you still covering your face. You can't just look at him right now. You feel so shy and embarrass.

You then felt his hands grip both your wrist and uncover your face, leaning closer to you. "Stop whining if you don't want me to eat you as my breakfast" and kisses your lips before leaving you behind.

You froze in your spot as your mind still processing from what he said. "Come here in count of 5 or I'll do what i said to you!"

And as fast as a flash of lightning, you run towards where he was. You don't want him to add more soreness on you.

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now