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(please tell me if there are some errors so i can fix it! ><)


Is this a confession?


Your breath stuck in your lungs. Your eye pupils are shaking after hearing what he said to you just now.

He wants you to be what??

Is he serious!?

Honestly, you don't know what and how to respond to him. Was it to early to be that 'someone special' to him?

But you already fcked him for only meeting him a few weeks. But does that mean you have to be more than just a friend to him? You're hella confused right now!!

Suddenly, he chuckles and caressed the top of your head. "It's okay.. I'm not rushing you to answer that." He seriously said and stood up. "I'll get going now... Have a good night Angel!" And he lean down to give a peck on your forehead before leaving your place.

Your head is so messy right now!!

"THE COOKIES ARE NOW READY LET'S EA- Ohh.. he left already?" Rose asked with a tray of cookies in her hands. You kinda just nodded and let out a heavy breathe.

"Oh? What's with that long face now huh? Did something happen?" Rose asked as she put the tray on the small table and sat beside you.

"Nothing happened" as you closed the box and put it on top of the other one. "I don't believe you. Did you have a fight with him?"

"Then what is it? I can literally see it on your face that something happened while I'm in the kitchen. Come on girl! you can tell me, I'm all ears"

Should you?

Well.. of course! She's your un-biological sister and maybe she can give some advices to you.

You grab a piece of cookies and lay down on the couch. Legs are on top of Rose's. "Jungkook..." Rose hums.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"He kinda... Confess to me? And i-"
"Oh my fcking hell!!! He did wha-"

"Let me finish the talking first?"
Rose nodded. "Yeah sure. Sorry"

"I don't know what to say. He ask me what if i wanted to be someone special to him and i was in shock mode like.. I don't know what to say back to him i was really speechless..." You breath.

"And now he told me that it's okay and that he's not rushing me to answer what he asked me earlier and leave and now.. I'm hella confused!"

"Girl.. Listen the guy.. that hottie is confessing to you? Like you both know each other like two? Three? Or i don't know four weeks and already confessing?... Well that happens a lot of times these days"

You look at her with your lips pouting a bit, munching the cookies she made at the same time. Eyes are begging your friend to help you out.

This ain't the first confession but this one. Jungkook's confession made you feel different and confused.

And now you're needing your friend's help. Maybe she can help you with it. She has a love experience while you don't have any.

"Rose I don't know what to do.. i can't just act normal and ignore him, right? That would be so rude!"

"But that's what you always do when someone confess to you" she spat.

"But he is Jeon Jungkook! He is different!"
"Of course they're not! They all have d!cks so basically they're not different from each other."

Somehow, you just want to hit her with the box infront of you now but no... The box is precious to be hit on someone.

"You're not helping at all!"
"Fine.. do you like him?"
"I don't know"
"Yes or no. Choose"
"There's no 'maybe' in the choices!"
"Ugh fine... Y-yes?"
"Is that even a question?"

You rub your face. Now really stressing. "I don't know Rose! I'm confuse!" You said. Rose heave a sigh and softly patting your legs.

"Hey y/n don't stress out, okay?.. just tell him that you both should know about each other more and know your feelings towards him. It's better to take a baby steps before giving him the clear answer.. just-"

She pauses as she also lay down beside you. Resting her head on your arm.

"-Just ask him to give you time.. trust me he will" she continued and started to eat cookies with you. Not forgetting to thank her for her words.

Well then... Guess you'll be having a small talk with Jungkook tomorrow!

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now