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The next day.

"Do i have something important to do today?" You ask your assistant through the phone while you're in front of your vanity drying your wet hair.

"As i look into my iPad lately, No, you don't have any important schedule and stuff to do today. Only responding some email's Miss. You can just work it at home" your assistant respond.

"Okay. Thank you for letting me know" and the call ended. "Are you busy today?" Rose asked as she peeks her head on your door.

"Nope. Just answering some of my emails and I'm done.. why?" As you turn off your hair dryer and throw the used towel on the laundry basket. Hair is completely dried up!

"Oh i was about to tell you that I'm going out to Gangnam and meet a friend.. I'll be back later at nigt or maybe stayed a night there? Not sure but I'll just text you, okay?" You nodded and give her an '👌'.

"Sure! Take care bye!" Rose wave and blow you a kiss before leaving the house. Now you're alone.

Well not for too long as you're planning to be with someone right now.

You grab your phone and look for Jungkook's contact. You sent him a message before going to the living room with your laptop to checked emails you receive while waiting for him.

> Are you free? Can you come over? I wanna have a talk with you <


You're in the living room, sitting comfortably in the couch with your laptop on your thighs. You sip some coffee that you made a few minutes and continue checking and reading some message on your email.

You're too focused on the screen that you barely hear the doorbell ringing around the house.

You already know who.

Putting your laptop aside on the couch and stood up, heading towards the front door. As you opened the door, a man, well not just a man, but a Handsome looking man, with a small black box on his right hand while the other one is inside his jeans pocket, is now standing tall infront of you.


"Took you long to open the door.. are busy Angel?" As you let him step inside your place. "Sorry i was too focused on my laptop and no.. not really, just answering and reading a few emails i got."

"Oh.. you're going to work later then?" You shook your head while leading him to the living room. "No. I don't have any important schedule that's why i didn't come to my office today.. what about you? I'm afraid you have important meetings and stuff and i made you come here"

He sat next to you and put the small box on the table infront of you both. "Oh no, i finished my work yesterday already.. so let's say today is my rest day"

You chuckled and point the black small box he brought. "By the way.. what's that?" He look at the bag then back to you. "My.. friend visited me this morning and bring a huge ass cake.. I don't know why he bring such cake so.. i bring some for you"

Is he making you flustered? Again?

"Ohh.. you don't have to kook. Your friend bought that for you-"
"And i wanna share it with you.. so let me be"

He opened the box and there inside the box has a two slices of vanilla cake with a cherry on top of it.

It looks really delicious. Now you're hungry!

"Wow. That looks so delicious!" He nodded and carefully took the cake out from the box. "It is.. so eat this first then ... we can talk, okay?"

Of course you said 'okay' while nodding your head. You're about to grab the small fork from the box but then, another hand grab from you.

Oh? Why?

You look at Jungkook who's now taking a small piece and bring the fork with a cake infront of you.

"Let me ... Wanna feed my pretty Angel"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now