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let's skip smut today, yeah?


You honestly don't know when and how it happened. Like suddenly you're just in your couch, laying down with no clothes on.. i mean you do but just a piece of black lacy thong pushed aside.

So hot.

The temperature was so hot.

But then there was a man who's on top, hovering you. His clothes are on the floor scattered with yours. Grunts and raspy moans are leaving his mouth while thrusting in you.





It's making the temperature way hotter.

Your throat are sore from screaming and moaning loud. He likes it when you moan loud.

Andddd not to lie but the way he's letting out some dirty talks to you, "fuck baby ... So good"
"Yeah fcking dripping wet for me- fckkk" .... "Hmm clench on me Angel- fck just like that keep doing that baby arghhh" " cum more baby ... I wanna see how your pretty pussy wet my cock" while his eyes are staring on your connected sexes!

It turns you the fuck on! It's making you way more fucking wet, making it easier for him to fucking ruin your fucking wet fucking cunt. Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck!

The sex scene lasted for about 2 hours.. with 3 to 5 minutes rest in between. different positions, different places where he can fuck you good.

Almost the whole living room are being sexualized. Not your fault this man is way way way too hot to keep waiting, you just want him to take you there right away.

You need to sanitize the living room before Rose come home. You don't want her to whoop your ass.

Now you're in your bedroom, laying down with Jungkook sleeping beside you. Tattooed arms are wrap around you while the other one is well-spread as you lay your head on it.

Your fingers are tracing the outline of his sharp jaw to his chest. His chest is so buff that you just wanna bury your face on it. You also notice just now, a rose with it's petal falling and turning into blood droplets tattoo in his chest.

You look at the time.. 7.45 in the evening. You look back at Jungkook, he sounds asleep. Slowly and carefully you unwrap his arms around you, making sure he won't wake up and successfully get off the bed.

Though your legs is a bit shaky and jelly like you still manage to went to the bathroom and freshen up and dress into a comfortable clothes and went to the living room, cleaning up the mess you and Jungkook made just now.

After the cleaning session, you went to the kitchen, maybe cook dinner for the three of you.. Rose, Jungkook and you!


Or should you invite Taehyung too?

Yeah that would be great!

Quickly you texted Taehyung to come over and have a dinner together, and he agreed! You also call Rose if she can come home for dinner and she said 'yes'.. she'll be picking up Taehyung at his house and come together.


You're planning on cooking a espagueti blanco and bulgogi for your dinner. Hoping that the three humans will like it.

You quickly made your way to each cabinets and grab all the stuff that is needed for tonights cooking.

While cooking the sauce, a hand suddenly snaked around your waist and a soft kiss was placed on the back of your neck.

"What are you doing Angel?", He asked as he give a gentle squeeze on your waist. "I'm cooking for our dinner.. Rose will be home in a few and a friend of mine is coming over" you answered him.

Jungkook who's not even listening dip his head in the crook of your neck, kissing it all the way to your shoulder blade.

"Cooking? What are you cooking Baby?" He again asked while nimbling your skin. Well you honestly don't mind him, you just continue to cook.

"I'm cooking a espagueti blanco, it's a Mexican dish and bulgogi.. is it fine to you?" Jungkook only hum against your shoulder.

"Very fine!" He mumbled before he held your jaw and turn your head for you to face him, latching his lips against yours. Kissing you the way he wants to. You just let him kiss you as you close your eyes.

"Um.. as i remember we're here to eat dinner .. not to watch live porn" fck! You both pulled away and saw Rose and Taehyung sitting in a tall seat with theit elbows resting against the surface of the counter, chin are resting on their palms.

"Oh? Why'd you stop? Go on and continue.. at least we can finally witness a free live se-"

"The sauce is cooked! Let's stop talking and eat shall we??" As you shot your awkward glare at the two persons infront of you.

Jungkook chuckled and lean closer to your ear, whispering "I'll be back in a few, i need to wear my shirt first then we can eat" and he walk away towards your bedroom, flashing your friends a smiled.

The two followed Jungkooks figure disappearing then look back at you with a wide smirk. You already know that faces they're showing to you.

They won't leave your poor soul alone. Both of them said in unison.. "Tell us the details!!"

And yeah.. they pour you their unending questions. A great start for dinner! Great!

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now