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This work of mine have been one of the tough story I've worked on. Despite of updating late and confusing twists of the plot, I still managed to finish this book because of the support ya'll gave me. I can't explain how thankful I am for you all for making me feel supported and loved, and motivating me to keep going. Thank you and hope you'll love this special chapter, a gift for you guys for making this book hit 100k+ reads! yay! (there's no part 2 for this book :( sorry.)

| A decade after |

Love is a simple and short word that holds so much power.

It is the force that drives us to make sacrifices, overcome obstacles, and live for something greater than ourselves.

Love is what motivates us to be our best selves and inspire others to do the same.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the reality of love is often deeply complex. It is a feeling that transcends time and space, connecting us to others in ways that often defy explanation.

Love can bring joy and happiness, but it can also cause pain and suffering. It can be beautiful and empowering, but it can also be messy and imperfect.

Sometimes love is like a sudden bolt of lightning, striking without warning, leaving us speechless and in awe.

Sometimes it grows over time, like a slow-burning fire that warms us from within.

Sometimes it is a gentle breeze that lifts our spirits and makes us feel alive.

Regardless of its form, love is a force to be reckoned with. It can inspire us to do great things, transform us into better versions of ourselves, and bring meaning and purpose to our lives.

It is a feeling that connects us to others, creating bonds that are strong and deep, and that can survive even the most challenging of circumstances.

But love is not just a sensation, it is also an attitude. It is the willingness to put others before ourselves, to care for them, to support them, and to be there for them, even when it is difficult.

It is the choice to see the world through their eyes and to understand their needs and desires.

It is the decision to love unconditionally and to let go of our own fears and insecurities.

Love is a simple and short word that holds immense power.

It is a feeling that can change us and the world around us, and it is a force that will continue to shape our realities for generations to come.

"Once upon a time, there's two person that's been so in love with each other for a long long time.." She said as she strokes the soft hair of the child, laying on her twin sized bed while her mother was telling her a story.

"One night, the princess was walking down the street, lost in thoughts about her past and what had happened between her and the prince. Suddenly, a bright light shined in front of her, and the prince appeared before her, riding a horse in a shiny armor." She continued to narrate as the little one stare at her in awe.

"Then what happened mommy?" The little girl asked with its cute and soft curious voice that touched her heart from the bottom.

"They fell in love even more and lived happily ever after.." A sudden deep voice ended the short story, he was leaning against the door frame in his best suit before heading towards both of you and your daughter.

"Daddy!" She chimed while her short arms reaching out. Your smile went wide as you watch him approached the bed and sit beside you and your daughter, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Hello there my little girl.. How was your day?" He asked while stroking her hair softly, brushing her soft locks away from her face and admire the beauty of his child.

"It was great but tiring. My teacher gave us a lot of fun activities! She made us draw and puzzle and play at the ground and then she-she teach us how to play piano! and then after that mommy picked me up and she cooked me my favorite food." The cute girl said in full of excitement but a hint of tiredness in her eyes was now so obvious.

"I see, my little one. Now, why won't you rest and sleep because tomorrow.... we're going to the park!" He said which make the kid excited.

"Yay! I'll sleep early and wake up early and go to the park with mommy and daddy!" She chimed before she sat up and plant a soft peck on your and your husbands cheek and bid her good night.

"Good night baby.. sweet dreams~" You cooed and help her tuck under her blanket and adorably closed her eyes to fall asleep.

Your husband turned the lamp off before reaching your hand and leave your daughters room after, softly closing the door.

Suddenly, you're drag towards your shared bedroom and was pushed against the bed while he took off his blazer and get on top of you. Pressing his lips into you desperately which you gladly respond.

"hmm.. I missed you." He whispered before kiss you again. You chuckled between the kiss and held both his cheeks and pulled away from the kiss.

"I missed you too.. how was your day? tired?" You softly asked while caressing his cheeks, both staring deeply into each others eyes.

"It is tiring.. but now I got to see you and our daughter, my tiredness just went away." He said with a soft smile, pecking your lips before admiring your beauty again and again.

"I can't... I can't really imagine my life without you. I'm glad I decided and choose to hear what my heart beats for. I'm glad I choose to be punished and live impermanent life. I may be aging now but at least I got to be with you." Jungkook said with a soft tone of voice.

After years of being separated, you both knew that your bond was unbreakable, and that no matter what happened, your love would always be there. And so you vowed to never let anything come between you again, and to always be there for each other, no matter what.

"oh and by the way... is my dinner ready?" His ones soft smile and voice turned into a seductive one in a second. With his hand going in between your legs, slipping inside your night dress and his head moving into the crook of your neck and plant a soft yet intimate kiss.

"You horny demon!" You muttered but moaned when you felt his thumb pressed the bundle of your nerves. He evil-ly chuckled and smirk as he went into your ear and whispered with his deep and tempting voice.

"Now, now, my angel wife... spread that legs and let your beloved you demon husband eat his tasty dinner, yeah?"

The End

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now