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The moment you open the door, Rose was right in the front door, sitting on the floor with her arms cross on her chest. "Uhm.. what are you doing?"

"I saw you.." she said making you frown. "Saw me what? What do you mean?" You ask as you close the door behind and put your keys on the small bowl and took off your blazer.

"You and the handsome man you bump with? Yeah him!! I saw you with him right when I enter the building! You have a thing with him huh!" Rose stood up and cling her hands around your arms.

"Come on Y/n.. spill that hot tea" you sigh and look at him. "Rose.. we don't have a thing. He's just a new friend." Somehow, Rose ain't satisfied with your answer.

"Hmm.. friends? Then why I saw you having this sweet romantic dinner date with him huh? I've never seen you smile that wide in my entire life"

"That was just a friendly date. Nothing more" Rose just shrug but keep her teasing face. "Hmm... that's what you say.. okay"

You finished taking a shower after dealing with Rose's teases. You're not flustered. Are you? Maybe but you're just hiding the fact that you're cheeks are red than tomatoes.

You wore your night dress and flop down your bed. Comfortably laying down until your phone vibrated. You grab from your night stand and read the text.

^Jeon^: I'm afraid I might be disturbing your sleep now..

Oh yas! You both manage to exchange numbers while heading inside the elevator so when your far you still can communicate. Maybe.. know each other in messages.

A smile slowly creeping in your face as you read the message from him. Not wasting, you fiddle your fingers in your phone, typing a message before tapping the send icon.

< oh no.. I just finished taking a bath..>

^Jeon^: that's a relief.. I send you a message cause I wanna ask you..

< yes? What is it? >

^Jeon^: are you free tomorrow? Maybe we can grab lunch together after work.. if it's fine.

More than fine!!

< sure.. just send me the location and we'll meet there >

^Jeon^: no no. I'll pick you up from your work. We can go to the restaurant or maybe café together.

Well.. you don't mind tho.

< okay! So see you tomorrow then! >
< goodnight! >

^Jeon^ : see you.. have a good night sleep pretty.

You put your phone and bury your face against your pillow, squealing with the pet name he again call you.

Now why are you so affected with it?


He the wine glass down as he stares at the city view he has below him. Cars, street light, and buildings are shining the whole city.

He can't undo the smirk on his face. Licking the bottom of his lips while having the thought of you slowly getting closer to him. The dinner or he must say, date, was almost got interrupted by someone. he knew that person was doing it on purpose.

And he knows who.

"I can smell happiness but a mix of madness.. what happened?" His friend appear beside him out of nowhere. Now having the same drink he have.

"Just a bothersome sh*t call my Angel in the middle of our simple fun.. Gladly I make it stop before she could answer" he said and finishes his drink. Wiping his lips with the sleeves of his shirt.

His friend chuckles and turn into a human.Dark wings are now hiding itself behind his back and the black smokes around him are slowly vanishing.

"The protector again... isn't it?"
"Yeah.. he's suck"
"Hmm.. I thought you lost him after he thinks he really throw you away from her"

Jungkook looks at Yoongi and smirk. A smirk which Yoongi knows what he means.

"Angel can be wise.. but devils are wiser. Let's see of they can set us apart.. she's starting to change now"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now