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That's all what you could think right now as you shove another spoonful of food in your mouth. Korean stew and bibimbap to be specific. You're hungry and you just your tummy to get what they're asking for!

"That's what i thought of you having lunch but actually designing a chair" you give him a slight glare but continue to eat the food he brought for the both of you. He wants to eat yo.. i mean with you. Gosh!

He stop you from continuing the designs and drag you here inside the waiting room and made you eat your lunch. At first you keep on denying you're not hungry but damn it! The moment he open the food container the smell just temp you and here you are.

"Shut it. I'm actually eating after designing the chairs." You alibi. "Really? There's like 10 or more chairs you haven't put designs yet." He protest.

Damn. You can't really win against this man.

"Fine. I wasn't planning on eating lunch. I have to finish designing the chairs so the works will be lessen at least." You grab a wipes but then he snatched it from your hand and held your jaw to stay you still.

Wiping the corner of your lips clean, he said. "You should take care of yourself. You shouldn't skip meals especially when you have a big event tomorrow. What if something happens to you and could ruin your show?"

He's right.

You didn't even realize until now that you loss some weight and constantly having an headache for no reason.

"I just don't want my hard work to go for nothing. I want this event to be perfect because this is my chance for my brand to even get more known. Also some great designers will be attending the runway tomorrow, I'm afraid it'll go-" HOLD UPPPP!!! WHAT IS HE DOING??!!

"H-hey, wait wait wait wait!" You panicked as he suddenly pulls you closer and started to plant soft kisses on your jaw down to your neck.

"Hmm? What is it, angel?"
"Stop someone might come in."

You thought he would stop but no. He even pulls you more closer and made you lay down in the couch.

"I locked the door. Don't worry." Damn!


Is he really doing it with you? Right here?! Right now?! HOLD UP- How can you stop him? I mean not like stop stop him but stop him from fcking you here!! People might try to open and get in the room!!

You push him with all your strength and quickly grab the bag of cookies. Sitting up straight while he still cages you with that buff arms of him.

"Look. Some workers gave me this cookies we should try it, yeah?" You didn't wait for his response and opened the bag of cookies and quickly eat one.

"Hmm~ it really taste delicious. You should try some too, here!" He suddenly snatch the bag away and held both of your wrist and lay you back down.

Heck you feel so small under him!

"I'd like to taste those cookies but your lips is looking tastier." And just that, his lips was against yours. Tongue poking and asking for its grand entrance.

And you gave it to him.

His tongue keeps on swirling against yours, hands slowly slide towards your thighs and wrap it around his waist.

Slowly he pulls away and a string of saliva can be seen between yours and his lips. Even your lipstick smudge in the corner of your lips. He eats your lips that good. So good~

"The cookies tastes good. I can taste it in your tongue Angel. Mind if i can have more?"

No you don't!! He's hungry so why not?!!


I'll let you guys imagine the rest... should i?

I'm active today cause i don't have classes till next week. My happiness is overflowing like ........... byeee!

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