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5 minutes of waiting in the parking lot

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5 minutes of waiting in the parking lot. A car pulled over infront you and the window slowly rolled down. Revealing a handsome guy smirking as he eyes you up and down.

"Wearing this type of dress makes me want to take you to my place and feed you something else instead" always with that mouth.

you roled your eyes and lean closer to him. Face are way closer to each other. Basically you're bending your body down, arms are resting on the opened window of his car.

"I'd rather fill myself with real food than filling myself with that massive friend of yours. You had enough yesterday" his eyes landed on your lips then back to your eyes.

Oh how he just want you to pin down there, holding your position right and pound you till his satisfied.

Hell. He just can't stop having dirty thoughts about you.

"Well it's a long wait and i wanna have you again.." his thumb caress your soft tasty lips. He's addicted "... can't help myself. I can't get enough of you." You rolled your eyes playfully and get inside the driver seat. Straddling on his masculine thighs. Thick.

"Well then sorry to say but.. you have to control yourself tonight sir" that'll be kind of a hard task for him. You give him a soft pat on his cheeks and move to sit on the passenger side.

Real talk.

You honestly don't know your relationship with him. As long as you can remember, you both were just friends. Hang out and eat lunch together. Nothing else. You can't remember where all of this romantic, intimate relationship between you and him start. He did ask you to be his, but he wants you because of lust, not because of love.

But you keep on denying that because of the things he showed and made you feel like you're the only girl he wants for the rest of his life. You're deeply confuse about you and him. But deep inside you, you want him. You want him to own you. And you know he wants the same too.

Jungkook shook his head a bit and started to drive. One hand slowly gripping your inner thigh. That's what he always do when he drives with you. Great habit.

He caress your thigh as his eyes are pierced on the road. "I see you cover them up huh" you look at where his hands are and nodded your head. "I have to. I can't just walk around the company with a visible territorial mark of yours, so i cover them up"

This man right here beside you is a real sex god! or what? Monster? He literally leave marks all over your body. All over the places that he can put marks on. Neck, jaw, collarbone, on your soft mounds, even the down part of your body.

He chuckled. "Sorry.. can't help myself"

"So... How was your work?" Now it's your turn to ask him. He takes a sharp turn and take a glace at you. "Everything's good so far. My employees are working hard" of course. They're working hard.

"You're not stress, tired or what?" And he shook his head. "No. Not at all.." how can he? When all he do at his company was just sit all day long. He has nothing to do. Well maybe there is but it's not much that will make him tired or what.

"That's good.. oh- where are we heading at for dinner?" You look at him only to see him smiling. Genuinely. Softly. It's so admiring to see him smile.

"You'll see.." he stops the car as the red light flash on. ".. after dinner, i have something to show you but please... " you frown as you look at him confuse.

He looks at you and say. "Don't leave me after, okay?"


Short chapter for now hehe..

Please read:)

I just wanted to apologize for the slow update. I'm suddenly out of idea of what's going to happen in each chapter. I'm also in my bad state right now. I'm always feeling down when i shouldn't be. I have no one to talk to and express what I've been feeling(I'm not seeking of attention but i just want to tell you guys the reason why i can't update frequently) . And for grammatical error, I'm sorry but english is not my first language, so i apologize. And lastly for some confusing chapters(maybe), i again apologize for that, I'm not a professional author and i am trying to improve my writing skills.

Please be patient with me.

a/n: i wanna hear all your thoughts about this book. It can be good, bad or whatsoever. I just wanna hear it so maybe i can fix it. Thankyou. Be safe!

And oh- i don't think this book will end happily🤔

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