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22 years ago

They're holding the lifeless body of a girl. Bloody hands and bruised up lips and cheeks. Eyes are completely closed and can't seem to be open way sooner.

"Let her go!" He shouted in pain and attempts to run towards them but the man only hit him again. Causing him to cough a blood. He clutch his stomach and look at the girl. He tries to stood up and ran towards his beloved but the caught him and throwing him in the air.

His back make contact in the hard surface of the huge tree. Making him groan in pain.

This is too much.

Too much pain.

He then saw the three men slowly dragging the girl away, almost disappearing away from him. "N-no-fuck.. no don't!" He groan. His body felt numb but still manage to stood up and run towards them.

Grabbing the girl away from their grip and pulls her into his embrace and glare at them. "Stop! Stop taking her away from me!" He shouted on top of his lungs.

They just stared at him emotionless. Watching the once strong undefeated man became weak over a girl.

"We can't. Give her to us and we'll let you go. alive" one of them says calmly. He shook his head firmly. He doesn't want to agree. He pulls the body closer to him. Tightening the grip around her.

"You can't take her away from me! She'll stay with me no matter what!" The three of them look at each other then back to him. "If we can't have her, then you must face the punishment that is meant to be hers."


No. He won't let them punish the girl he love the most. He can't bare imagining his love getting punished. No.

He looks at her angelic face. Caressing the bruises softly. "I can't let them harm you.." then look at the three men.

"Do anything on me... just let her free"


He brought you in a European restaurant called Walking on the cloud

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He brought you in a European restaurant called Walking on the cloud. You knew about this place but never been here before.

The view outside is just so mesmerizing. It presents a wonderful view from atop a skyscrape. It also offers a super view of the Hangang River. Having dinner with this kind of view, and of course a handsome man beside of you is whole pack happiness.

"How did you know this place?" You asked as you take pictures of the view. "Uhm... a friend of mine took me in this place last time, and it's really nice here... so i thought of bringing you here" How sweet is that!

"Mr jeon, the food will be serve in 5 minutes would you like something to have while waiting?" A waiter appears next to him and asked.

Jungkook looks at you, asking if you want to have something. You just give him a shrug and smiled lightly. Telling him you're fine with anything.

He then look back at the waiter. " a bottle of wine would be great" the waiter bowd his head and went away to grab the wine.

Suddenly, Jungkook hear a clicking sound and followed by a flash. He immediately look at his left side, only to see you holding a camera. Oh no-

"D-did you.. " he stuttered and look at you who's smiling widely. "Woah you look so handsome here, look.."

And you shift closer to him and let him look at the picture you took. The side profile of him in the picture is a mouth dropping. And with that view around him makes it even better.

"I should put this as your contact photo later!" You squeal and look at the picture once more. While Jungkook...

Was looking at you the whole time. He doesn't know why, but every time he's with you he suddenly feel different. He felt way light and warm with you. He also noticed the changes about him. He is soft. He is good. He is caring. He is.. loving, to you. Only you.

All he knows is that he is cruel, bad, merciless, emotionless and doesn't give a fuck about everyone but with you.. How can he feel something he doesn't felt before? He doesn't know what it is, but he for sure it felt so good and warm.

"Jungkook?" Your voice bring him back to reality. "I called you three times and you didn't answer... is everything good?" Why are you so caring?

"Yes Angel.. Everything's good" and flash you a smile. "Oh okay.. the food is already here. You must've not notice since your spacing out. Eat up now you need it to boost you up, yeah? Here.." caressing his cheek and softly smiled at him and sliced a medium cook meat for him.

He then suddenly thought...

Does he deserve you?

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now