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You're now on top of the island counter, just watching him do the cooking not far from you. You ask him to let you cook for your breakfast but he insisted to do it and make you sit on top of the counter.

Now you're just here, watching him struggling cracking an... Egg? It takes him a minute to crack one egg.

Of course he struggle! He's a demon! Demons don't know how to cook!? Yes! How do they eat!? They're souls for god sake! They don't starve! I mean they eat when they like it...

"Do you.. need help?" You ask as you can stand just watching him struggle cracking an egg. He looks at you and back to the egg. Well since he's getting annoyed, he'll let you do it then!

"Yeah. I really need your help now" he washes his hands and dry it up. You're about to jump off the counter but before you could, you felt his hands on your waist and put you on your feet.

You feel your cheeks heat up so you avoided his gaze and head to take his place. "Cute.." he chuckles and stand beside you.

You crack the rest of the eggs before whisking it. His eyes followed your hands. Noting each steps you do in his head.

Don't say anything! He wants to learn how to cook too!

But then, his eyes move on to your figure. Oh how hot and sexy you look in his shirt right now. That beautiful thighs, round chest, a few marks he can see on your collarbone, then move to your neck and jaw, then lastly your lips.

That kissable lips he can't get enough. He just want to kiss your lips every second. He won't dare to pull away for sure.

While on the other hand, you can't focus on cooking the scramble egg right now. You're getting distracted by the man in your right side. You're holding yourself from glancing at him.

He doesn't do anything though.

It's just him being half naked, the waistband of his sweatpants are around his hips, like showing a bit of view of his v-line. That 8 packed abbs flexing. Right hand are gripping the edge of the counter for support as he lean his body to the side a bit, flexing his masculine arms. His black sleek hair that is pushed back, exposing his forehead.

Such a hot specimen.

You can't believe you just slept with this man last night! A hottie guy that every girls dream to have just slept with you! Even though you both just know each other for a few weeks but that doesn't really matter, right?

The scramble egg is ready and now you're putting the cooked egg into the plate and grab a weight bread on the side and put it beside the scramble egg.

Now that's a perfect breakfast!

"Done.. let's eat now-oh.. do you have plain milk?" Well he do, he even kinda burst it all out inside you.

"Yeah.. lemme grab it for you" as he opens the fridge and grab a box of milk? Is this milk? Like the box's color is brown.

His eyes are running left and right, reading the texts in the box. It says chocolate milk. No this ain't the milk you wanted. He grab the another box of milk and this time it's white. He read the texts and he got it! Plain Milk!

He close the fridge and grab one glass before placing infront of you. You thanked him and was about to start eating when he suddenly lift you up from the stool and make you sit on top of the counter.

He sat in the stool and now he's in between your legs. What is he doing?- Oh god you're not wearing anything underneath. The shirt is hiking up, exposing more of your thighs. You grip the hem of the shirt and pull it down.

"Still shy Angel, huh?" You can see a slight smirk plaster on his face. Your cheeks heat up as he gives you a sudden kiss on the lips.

"You're hot when you blush. Lemme feed and take care of my angel, yeah?" He's literally babying you!!! No he's not!! Is he trying to kill you!!??

He's making your heart burst out of your chest!!!

He grabs the plate to your side and took a good slice of the bread with the scramble egg in between and some veggies you put earlier.

"Now let's eat Angel"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now