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Skip smut for this chapter:)

2 weeks later

"Miss, the CEO's of the said companies is now at the meeting room and their models for the coming fashion event next week" your assistant said as she walks in your office.

You put the papers aside and stood up immediately. "Okay. I'll be there in a minute, and ready the clothes that will be use for the meeting please" she nodded and leave your office.

While you grab your makeup pouch and do a little bit of retouch of your makeup before running out of your office with your bag and a pile of sketch papers on your hand. Hugging it securely so it won't fall and scatter all over the floor.

As you reach the meeting room, all the CEO's stood up and gives you a polite greetings. "Miss y/n! Nice to see you again!" You smiled as you place the papers and your bag in the table.

"I'm glad to see all of you too! Sorry if I'm a bit late, I'm really really busy today" you apologize. one of them shook their head and said. "It's okay. We all just got here too.. you don't have to worry about it Miss" and they all nodded.

"I'm relieved. i have all the sketches that will be use for the event and will be wear by each of our models so... shall we all start the meeting?"


"Damn girl you look messed up!"

Rose grab your cheeks and scan your face. "Aww my baby sis. Your face look so stress! What did you do this pass weeks?" She grabs the hair tie and tied your hair in a bun.

"Working. I have so many appointments to do since the day i went back to work. I don't wanna mess up and bring down my company" You pout and Rose chuckled.

"Well at least you had fun during you rest week, right?" You already know what she means. You playfully slap her shoulder as she just give you a smirk.

"Shut it out Rose!"
"What? It's true tho!"
"Whatever you say"

Rose laughs a bit. She started to clean your face with a wet wipes and started to redo your makeup by herself. A moment of silence is creeping in.

"Oh.. just wanna ask, if you don't mind?" She started to talk. "Hm? What is it?" You asked. Closing your eyes as she puts a powder on your face.

"How is it going with you and Jungkook?"

Your eyes opened. Heart stops beating for a second as you hear her question. "Well.. " you shift on your seat.

"Well what?" She asked. You clear your throat and look down to your hand. "Well.. we're doing great so far.. he's really sweet and loving this days. Flirty as always" you look back at her as a small smile tug in your lips.

"Oh yea? Wonder how many times you two fuck tho" is she serious!?

"Seriously Rose!? You have to brought that topic up!?" Rose just shrug and continue to do her job on you. "Why not? It's a fun and interesting topic tho"

"Well.. we're doing quiet sometimes. He said to help me relieve my stress from work. Sometimes we're doing it out of boredom" yes! So true.

You still remember when you get suddenly playful while he's making breakfast. Damn the 'food' was so delicious. Not just the food but also the enormous 'thing' he feed you that makes you full. You can't get enough of that. Just lick it, suck it, put it all down your throat.

Fuck! You can feel yourself getting wet!

"Wow you're a horny monsters!" Both of you laugh. Rose finished doing your makeup and pull the tie off your hair. Fixing it and then she's done.

"You're going straight home tonight? Or having a date with your horny man" she wiggle her brows and teasingly smile at you.

"He's not my man... yet. And i don't think i can go back home with you tonight." She pout and you chuckle of her cuteness. "Why?"

A sudden sound of notification from your phone echoes around your office. You grab and turn on your phone to read the notification you just got.

^Jeon^ : I'll be there in 5.. see you at the parking lot angel!

Rose smirks and grab her bag. "I'll get going then?.. see you at home! Have fun Angel~" you chuckled as you watch her completely disappear from your door. You chuckled and shook your head of her behavior.

You look at your phone and type back.

< can't wait to see you then.. drive safely;) *kisses* >

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now