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The drive was long but not tiring. Jungkook keep on finding ways to make you feel not bored while on drive. He keep on having different topics to talk about.

He's a funny person I must say. He never failed to make you laugh with his jokes. Really is a mood maker.

The first spot you both stop by is the Bukchon Hanok Village. Perfect place for couples. Both of you step out the car and roam around the village.

And let's not forget that he's your photographer today. You didn't ask him but he insist. He said he'll take a picture of you atleast.

He took multiple shots of you in different corner of the village, and not to lie, the pictures he take was really really good. You should to post those pictures on your social media.

You also took a picture of him, using both of your phones. Your phone will probably be full of pictures of you two. You don't mind that though.

You spend almost an hour taking pictures around the village. Both happily walking around the village like a real couple would do.

"It's almost 1pm.. should we grab lunch together?" He ask as he look at his wrist watch. You look at him, nodding your head. "yeah sure!"

"Great! We'll grab simple food at the nearest convenience then we're gonna eat at the next place we're going!"


Jungkook bought two burgers and two cans of cola at the convenience. He told you to stay inside the car while he go out to buy the food. It didn't take a long time and he came back with bag of food.

After that, he drove to the next destination which you don't know where.

A few minutes of driving and you arrived at one of the famous park in Seoul. You don't the name of the park, but by looking at how beautiful the park is and numerous of people walking around, it's really famous.

"We're here.. welcome to the Naksan park!"

Both of you are now in the top of the park. You are really amaze of how beautiful the city view is up here.

You can't believe you never been here before!

He grabs your hand and bring you towards the bench. Asking you to sit. "Here.. eat this and then after you drink this! You have to gain more energy because we're not yet done exploring around!"

A chuckle escape your mouth and nodded. "I will Mr! Now you eat cause you need energy too!!"

Jungkook stares at you as you enjoy eating the burger while looking at the beautiful view you have infront of you.

Somehow, he feel so different. He feels like he's not the king of evilness when he's with you. Feels so right when he's close to you.

Feels like he's a real human being falling inlove with the real angel.

How he wish he can love you peacefully. Where no one will stop him from loving you.

"Kookie.. are you okay? Your food is still untouch.. are you feeling sick?" The sudden cute nickname caught him off. He's falling harder and harder.

"Sorry.. yeah I'm okay. Don't worry!" He flash you a smile he rarely does. It's always be a smirk or a slight grin but now.. a wide cute smile!

The one side dimple makes it more cuter! You can't handle but mentally squeal.

You didn't realise that you lean closer to him and peck the side of his cheek where the dimple is. Jungkook widen his eyes at your sudden action, and so do you.

You sit back properly and cleared your throat. "S-sorry.. i- umm.. you just ... L-look cute when you smile i can't handle it-"


He lean back a bit only to see your cheeks turning into crimson red. He lean closer again and peck your cheek again. This man- please someone arrest him!!

You're blushing so hard right now!!!

"As much as i want to shower you with my kisses.. let's go to our last destination before the sunset, yeah?"

HEAVEN BY HELL || J. JUNGKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now