Chapter 2

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Roman POV:

After spending the last two days trying and failing to convince Dean, the day of the Masquerade is finally coming. Everyone cheers up and chats about the party since morning, but I'm still worried about how to make him attend. I will never give up easily, but in this matter, I feel it's enough. I can't argue with him anymore. If he chooses not to come, he will be stubborn in his decision. No one can change his decision except him.

Even though I have no belief, I decide to convince him one last time, but I fail. This time, he attends to my call and puts it on hold. "It's enough!" I mutter under my breath and throw my phone away before palming my face and trying to calm my nerves.

"Ro, is Dean coming?" Sasha asks and picks her costumes from the bed before going to the bathroom to change into it.

I don't want to talk about it. Not talking about it doesn't stop me from thinking about it, though. I pick my phone up and stare at it before holding it tightly and trying not to break it. "No! I'm tired of convincing him."

"Does he have a party costume?" Her voice echoes from the bathroom. Even if he has, it will be no use. How could the costumes help the one who was not going to show up at the party?

Whatever, I don't want to be rude to her because of him. I clench and unclench my fist gently while trying to reply smoothly. "Yeah, I have sent the costumes to his room. I guess it's no use!" I sigh and elbow my chin, staring at the wall frustratedly.

My eyes avert to glance at the omega when she removes my hand from my cheek and brings it around her waist as she sits on my lap. Her small hands cup my cheeks and force me to stare at her eyes, trying to cheer me. "You wanna see Rome; he'll definitely come to the party." She moves her lips to my temple and presses a kiss on it.

Even if I'm in a bad mood, a smile curls on my lips when her scent around me. I nod at her and hold her tightly against me, hoping her words will become true. Pulling away from Sasha, I tuck a strand of hair off her face and press a kiss on her cheek.

She blushes and hands me a necklace, pointing at it. My eyes light up when I feel the love and desire in them. How could I forget about it? It was the first gift I brought for her on our first anniversary. "Just help me put this before we go." She says, pulling her hair up and giving room for me.

I nod and put the necklace around her neck, making sure it eases a bit. She then gets up from my lap and looks at herself in the mirror, blowing a kiss to her reflection. I have to accept it because she looks perfect.

I grin and peck her on the lips before intertwining our fingers and leaving the hotel for a party. The ride to the party is not worse than I've expected because she's making sure to keep me entertained. No one will feel bored if they're with Sasha Banks. Then how could I be?

We arrive at the party after a few minutes, and it will be in full swing at no time because it has bought by WWE. My eyes wander around the crowd in awe and realize how fun it will be as time goes on. "I hope we'll not miss each other at this party," I exclaim and poke at her side with a smile on my face.

"Don't think so." She grumbles but fights back the grin on her face as she bounces around. It is impossible for me to look at her and not fall slightly more in love with her every time.

We hold our hands together and approach every superstar on the way inside, having a pleasant conversation with them. "Hey, there you are!" Finn exclaims once we get into his sight. "What's up, man?" He greets and pulls me into a hug.

"Fine." I grin, feeling grateful for having company to enjoy the party.

He looks around in search of someone and pats my shoulder gently. "Where is Dean? Hasn't he come to the party?" His eyes still search for him before settling onto me firmly.

I shake my head frustratedly and watch the dancing of some people. "Nah, he told that he was not interested at all!"

He smiles deliberately as he understands what I'm saying. We then walk further inside and take everything in mind. A little DJ booth has drawn for dancing at the corner. Along one side are a bunch of tables lined up, filling with food and drinks. We wander around, talking to superstars and eating and drinking the provided food and beverages.

As the night winds on, Shane McMahon brings out the good stuff, and finally, the alcohol is rolling. I appreciate the party even though I have an okay time here. Yeah... An okay time! Sasha has Bayley, so she enjoys the party well without any protests. And I have Finn, but it will be glorious if Dean comes.

Dean POV:

It is nearly eight o'clock when I receive a text, the screen on my phone lighting up and making the most annoying ding sound ever. I shake my head and ignore the text, knowing well who it might be. Whatever Roman has to do, I will never fall on his tricks.

After a few minutes, I feel bored, so I flip through the channels continuously to watch something, but nothing is good. Everything is working against me, along with Roman. I mutter under my breath and slap my head in irritation when I hear another ding sound. I know he can't stay without torturing me.

Adjusting my position on the couch so that I'm sitting upright and not curling up in a ball, I grab the device from where it lay face-up atop the coffee table. I double-click the home button and enter the passcode, silently cursing it for this process, so I can't just swipe the damn screen to do so.

I have five unread messages from some of my casual friends I talk to every once in a while, but at the top of the screen is the most recent one from my best friend, Roman. Sighing loudly to myself, I click on it and read the messages.

The Samoan is once again inviting me out for the party. Along with his texts, he has sent some of the pictures from the party. I swipe the images and re-watch them all six or more times before I can even get into an adequate response from my mind. And then it takes three additional minutes for me to break out of my thoughts before my fingers stick on the screen.

Groaning loudly, I throw the phone away and lay back on the couch. It isn't that I don't enjoy hanging out with Roman or drinking alcohol; I'm just not in the mood now. "Ugh." I groan, smashing the pillow over my face to block out any further thoughts about the texts. I so do not need this right now.

I guaranteed he would send another image to irritate me. What a friend he is! I still can't believe that he is enjoying the party without me. How dare he be?

Throwing the pillow away, I get up again and grab my phone, staring at it blankly. I guess I can't sit alone in the hotel room anymore. I change my mind in a matter of seconds and elect to go to the party. Wandering around, I look for the costumes and grab them, which has sent by Roman earlier. I change into them within minutes and leave the hotel in no time.

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