Chapter 29

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Dean POV:

I'm, bizarrely, gazing at them fondly, the way Sethie looks at Kevin when he's chewing on the furniture in a cute way. It's cute at the beginning, but when time goes on, it makes me irritated. It's been an hour since they're in their world without caring about anything. I stare at Kevin as he curls up in Sethie's lap, the omega absently petting him and then freezes, pulling himself to sit up straighter.

Waiting here will be absolutely wasted, and he doesn't put the dog down on his own. I need to do something to get his attention, or else it'll go worse. I clench my fists and try to hold the anger in me, not wanting to scare him again. And also, I won't let anyone dominate me since I'm an alpha. This stupid dog takes up my place for an hour, but it won't last long.

Rolling my eyes, I walk over to Sethie and grab the dog from his lap before putting it down. The stare that he has given to me resembles shock and disbelief. I don't mean to hurt him. I take my right to him. That's it. Wanting to soothe the situation, I smile softly and grab his hand to pull him up. "Come on. We're going to meet my friends. I guess this is the perfect time for you to know about them and me." I watch him worry his lip between his teeth and try to forget how that makes my face flush hot.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asks, rubbing his hand across his collarbone and shoulder, needing to do something with it to soothe himself.

"Yeah." I grip a hand in his long, curly locks as I whisper in his ear. "Come on, baby. I'll make this up to you, I promise." My teeth gently nip his earlobe, earning a small gasp from the other man. Right there had been a sensitive spot for him.

He stays in stunned silence for a long moment but nodding. He moves away from me, grabbing his black jacket off the back of the couch and slipping his arms through the sleeves. He's following me out the door without even thinking about it.

I remain silent throughout the entire walking, so I decide to give him some time alone. It's what he needed now. And I'm sure about it. As we reach Roman's hotel room, I can feel the panic bubbling up in his chest. Wanting to comfort him, I smile gently and pull him into a hug, burying my face in the crook of his neck and pressing a small kiss there. "I'm here for you."

When I feel him relax a little, I knock at Roman's door and wait for him to let us in. Quickly Sasha opens the door and gives us a small smile before providing a space to get us inside. A hand grabs mine and squeezes tightly in fear. I don't have to look to know it is Sethie. I clutch it back and pull him to the front before wrapping my arm around his shoulders and guiding him to the couch.

I sit and pull him into my lap before locking my arms around him. I nuzzle into his neck and make sure that he's curling tightly against me. It's what I wanted. Feeling satisfied, I look up at my friends and whisper what is significant. "McMahon gave me a week off, so I planned to take Sethie with me to Las Vegas and spend some alone time with him."

Bayley glances at my omega before leaning over his husband and asking what's on her mind. "Is Seth comfortable with your idea?"

I nod and shift Sethie into a comfortable position while thinking about him. I can feel him close his eyes and nuzzle close to me. I hold him tightly against me and care for his health. After a bit, he falls asleep on me, and I sigh softly. I know he's still worn out from his heat. Also, his omega reacts every time my alpha has countered. I should calm my alpha down.

Sasha looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "You okay?"

I nod and shrug my shoulders. "Just tired."

Roman observes everything before deciding to open his mouth. "Your alpha is wearing you out. It should calm down soon. At least, I hope so. As soon as your alpha calms down, Seth realizes that you're a sweet guy."

I nod and look down at Sethie, who's still sleeping like a baby in my arms. His beauty has won me on the battleground. He's kidnapped me with his looks whenever my eyes lay on him. He has given me the meaning of my pride, so my whole life will talk about him. Brushing a strand of hair off his face, I press a kiss on his forehead and smile to myself. I then look up at Roman and whisper, "Just tired of overreacting all the time right now."

Bayley nods, "Yeah, wait, though. Since he was suppressing so long, I did some research. He is most likely going to get into heat again in a couple of days."

I blink at her, "Really?" I haven't expected any of this. My alpha screams in pleasure already. I can't wait to go on that day. I want to spend more time with him. I want to spend a lot more time with my omega. Wanting to know the omega's psychology more, I keep my attention on her and listen to all her words carefully.

She plays with her hands and nods gently. "Yup. For a year, his heats are going to be little nuts. And I'm sure he's going to have another in a couple of days and maybe one more a couple of days after that."

I run her words all through my head before focusing back in and saying, "I'll make him beg me to stop.."

Sasha raises an eyebrow at me and shakes her head. "It won't be as bad as that one, Dean. Don't worry. Seth is just going to limp for a while. That's all."

I lean back on the couch, and my alpha shivers in happiness at me. I shift Sethie, and he mumbles softly in his sleep. I stare at his face, smiling and rubbing our noses together every so often. I sigh and shake my head as my alpha calms. I then get to my feet and pick him up in my arms, walking over to the door and pausing before looking back. "I'll chat with you once landing in Las Vegas." I force a smile at them, sticking my tongue out and waving goodbye before making my way out of the room.

Roman POV:

I glance up when Dean has left with his omega out of the room. They seem cute together, but something is not appropriate. I could sense a distance between them, even though they were sitting so close by. I frown but don't say anything. Many things are going on in my mind. Half of it, I don't mean to consider. They are just one of my passing thoughts. More like an observation than anything.

"This is going to be interesting." The words come out of my mouth without realizing it because I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I fail to hear my omega moving up behind me and jump when her hands are suddenly wrapping around my waist. "Sorry, I was lost." I turn my head and press a small kiss on her cheek.

"It's okay." She slumps on the couch with me resting on the floor between her spread legs. She keeps running her fingers through my long, thick curls. "Interesting is a mild way of putting it. I suggest we should keep an eye on them right now. I don't want Dean doing something that he will regret." She snorts and reaches down, lacing her fingers with my own and squeezing them.

Finn claims the beanbag chair for himself and pulls his omega into his lap before humming and glancing down at me. "You need to knock some sense into him, or he'll make everything worse... I mean, he is now permanently linked to Seth." Along with him, his omega gives me a pleading look and makes me consider their words.

I sigh and play with my fingers while thinking about the whole thing. I don't know if there is a chance for it. Maybe I need to go along with this entire thing because I guess it is what I should do rather than what I want to do. I look between them contemplatively before shrugging and nodding my head, "I don't know... whether he is going to listen to my words, but I guess I can do that for Seth once they reach Las Vegas."

"Yey!" The girls cheer up and smile at each other.

I don't want to say anything further, but my mouth doesn't listen to my brain. It says what I'm into now. "Hey, wait. I mean, no promises if I'm being honest. But I'll make an effort and all." I throw my hands in the air and stare at nothing in particular. They are right. I need to talk with Dean and force him to understand that his love is fear of his alpha. It's not good for a relationship. I rub my cheek and think about it.

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