Chapter 37

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Dean POV:

My match with Kevin is over and I make my way to Triple H's office to see my omega. When we came to Monday Night Raw, Stephanie and Triple H greeted us and took Sethie with them. Now I look at the door of Triple H's office.

I open the door before excuse myself and see Sethie curls up against Stephanie while watching TV. She is holding him and keeps talking to him about something on the TV. He looks happy as he talks animatedly with her. They obviously have the same taste in TV shows as they seem to be in their own world.

I look around and find that Triple H is not there. I sigh as I walk in and sit down beside them. Stephanie grins as she looks at me and asks, "When you came?"

"I came here when you two discussed about the TV shows. Anyways, how you feeling, baby?" I ask as I look at Sethie who is smiling at me. I look at her when she gently pats him on the back before stands up and whispers, "I'm going to look Triple H."

As she takes something from the table, I gently wrap my arms around Sethie and look at him as he asks, "I'm fine. How was your match?"

I smile as I pull him closer to me, "It's usual like always." I smirk and kiss him on the lips and smile softly when I hear him gasps as I kiss him deeply. Stephanie eyed us before she leaves the room and shakes her head, "Hey, no sex in here, it's office. Just remember that."

I notice Sethie's cheeks are darkened with a shade of red when she said that. He hides his face to my chest and I wrap my arms around him before kiss his forehead. I hold him close and nuzzle into his neck as I breath in his scent.

One month later..

I wake to the gentle rise and notice that Sethie is laying on my chest. My arms are draped over his stomach and the blankets have been pushed to lie just across our waists. I exhale and smile when his scent filled my lungs.

Over the past month, he kept getting sick. Certain smells, flavors and anything randomly would set him off. Then there is the fact his stomach is sensitive. It would ache and often the muscles would cramp.

I would rub his stomach and tried to help him. I know he loved the attention and well the touches did seem to help him. Sometimes when I was busy, Sasha and Bayley would rub his stomach when he was hurting.

The look in his face told me that it didn't work as well but he never told them because now only he is trying to mingle with them. When I asked this to Bayley, she told that it was because his body is adjusting to carry the baby.

He just was getting annoyed with it. Then there was the mood swings. He would curl up with me in the hotel room and watched TV. Then suddenly he would burst into tears for no reason.

The first couple of times I freaked out and tried to figure out what made him upset. Then, Sasha told me that it was due to hormones, I would just hold Sethie and whispered good things in his ear.

My thoughts are interrupted when Sethie stirs in his sleep and mumbles something as he holds his stomach. I am confused when he stands up suddenly and goes to the bathroom.

I look at him immediately when he comes out of the bathroom and looks him in the mirror. I raise my eyebrow when he lifts his shirt up and looks down at his stomach.

"Dean.." He smiles as he runs towards me and takes my hand before puts it on his stomach, "I'm showing.. For real."

I pull my hand from him and rub my eyes, I can't believe what I'm seeing. I look up at him and whisper softly, "Yes baby, you are."

He looks down at his stomach which is barely showing. It looks like he got a small amount of fat on his tummy. If anyone who doesn't know that he is pregnant will think he gained a bit of weight. I move and pull him into the bed. He nuzzles close and whispers, "It's real."

I nod and nuzzle his hair, "It is.. Sethie."

He moves and straddles on my lap as he nips my neck. I growl softly and rest my hand on his hip, "Sethie wants something?"

He leans over and bites my shoulder, "Dean, I need you."

I groan as I go hard at those words. He wants sex which is something new for me and it is incredibly hot. I roll him under me and settle between his legs as I kiss him deeply.

I place my mouth against his ear and whisper, "If this is what happens when you're pregnant. Remind me to keep you knock up as much as possible." I smirk as I see the blush in his face and start to kiss his neck.

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