Chapter 8

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Dean POV:

My feet are moving out of the COO's office and down the hall quicker than I have realized. The wind whistles past my ears as I run toward the locker room where my friends are waiting for me. They will not only wait to greet me but also the joyous news that I have for them. And I really can't wait to reflect my happiness to them.

Squealing loudly, I open the door and step into the locker room, making everyone startle a little. They let out a soft breath and shake their head unbelievably when their eyes land on me. It what unbelievable! The word that I'm going to spill out is unbelievable!

"I found him, guys!" I giggle, throwing my hands in the air and letting out a proud sigh. My eyes wander around each of their expression and try to commit into memory. Instead of getting happy, they look at each other and decide who goes to step out into me.

Finally, Roman steps in toward me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Whom did you find?" His tone is full of curiosity, wanting to know what I'm talking about.

"My mate! I found him. He's the most beautiful creature in this world. His image is the only thing that's filled my mind now." I close my eyes and recall the miraculous moment in the hallway again. My cheeks flush red at the thought of him, so I giggle slightly and jump up and down, trying to light the room with my happiness.

"So your mate is a male omega? That's prestigious, Dean." Sasha and Bayley sound in unison. They nod at each other and hold their hands together before glancing back at me curiously. "Let us know about him." As much as they're united, their mind insists on the same.

I know they will be curious to know about my omega. There's no need to await them anymore, so I choose to empty the pot now. "His name is Sethie. He's the only son of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon." The words flow from my mouth like a waterfall flowing from the hills.

"What?!" They all get up instantly, halting the subject that they're handling. "It must be odd that the couple has an omega son," Sasha says, sliding her fingers through her hair and flipping it back.

"Yeah, but it's true. I'm the evidence of it." I say, walking over to the couch and grabbing my jacket. I slip the jacket over my shoulders and ruffle my messy hair, trying to handle the situation as cool as ever. "The omega that they had grown up for me was great. It's perfect!"

"Sorry for considering this, dude. If your omega is Triple H's son, you have to forget about him and try to find another one. Or they will make your life a living hell!" Finn approaches, making me glare at him. How dare he is to consider such a bad thing?

"I don't care where he belongs now. In the end, he will belong to me. I'll never change my mind for anyone." I bark and look across at him. My glare on the worried Irishman makes him physically flinch and shrink under my glower. "I still want him, all to be mine!" I show a finger to him that implies an obvious point. "I'll claim him!" My tone is a little louder after saying the last part, without even thinking about where I am.

"That's enough." Roman scoffs, shaking his head, annoyed by the whole scenario, and making me feel like a child being told off is damn near humiliating. His gaze follows my outstretched arm before settling onto my face. Taking a single step toward me, Roman places his hands on my shoulders and squeezes them gently. "At least try to control your alpha until we find a better way for this."

Trying my hardest to hide the burning rage that festering under the surface. "I'll try, but not a promise!" I inhale sharply, my nostrils flaring and jaw tightening. Barging past the Samoan, ramming my shoulder hard and forcefully against his stonework physique, making me stumble back as I move, storming toward the door with my duffel bag in hand.

Roman POV:

Once we reach the hotel, I and my omega lead to Finn's room and discuss our unmated alpha friend Dean Ambrose. It's an important thing that we have to discuss. It's holding all our lives into a single thread. Time goes wasted, but we haven't gotten into any single decision. It's all because Dean won't get along with anything. We have to divert his mind and force him to understand the consequences before he performs a stupid thing that he can regret.

That's why Finn and I are standing outside his room and tapping our legs impatiently on the tiled floor. Nodding at him, I knock at the lunatic's door and wait for it to open. We have no idea how to smooth the situation and handle him, but it's too late to think about it now.

We snap out of our thoughts when Dean yanks the door open and glares at us. It's only returned with a giant smile from us. "What the hell do you want?" He asks with a hiss, crossing his arms over his chest, the door resting against his shoulder. He doesn't move to let us in.

"Finn and I thought it would be fun to hang out with some beer and pizza and watch some flicks. We ain't done it in a while, and we have the SmackDown taping tomorrow, so we'll be okay." I explain, holding up the 12 packs of beer that I have in one hand, movies in the other. I toss my head to the side, showing Finn standing beside me, holding two large pizza boxes.

He isn't amused because he sees the look of fear on Finn's face, and he's sure that I have convinced him to do this. "I know about you. Nothing will work out." He shakes his head, stepping to the side and letting us walk into the room.

With a grimace, he passes over us and drops his weight on the couch on his stomach. He groans when he feels his legs shove off the cushions, and I nudge him to the side to take the spot next to him. Rolling over so he can sit, he scrubs his face irritatedly.

"I lost my mind already. If any of you guys try to piss me off, I'm sure I'll stomp their head through this fucking coffee table." He growls, stretching the joint over the coffee table and firmly pressing his thumbs above the bone to give a coherent message.

Finn gives him an understanding look, handing him a beer. "We won't bother you unless it needs to be."

He shakes his head furiously and opens the beer, taking a long sip. He then glances at us and tries to chill the moment. "You get bacon?"

As odd as it feels, there is a rush of relief running through me. I'm okay to have a little fun with him before going into such a serious conversation. I take this last bit of time and cherish it, the possibility of everything falling apart too clearly. I turn to him, my smile becoming a little warmer. "You know it," I answer automatically, the response almost second nature. When we got pizza, Dean always got one loaded with meat and topped with bacon. "We didn't grab any plates, but we got a lot of napkins."

He chuckles, taking a slice of pizza and savoring it. He knows well about our intention even though he pretends not to. As time goes on, one beer gets into another and another... If this happens continues, I'll never get a chance to bring some sense into his mind.

I try to bring a conversation, but he changes the topic and empties another beer. Everything is going poorer, so I slap my head in frustration and growl loudly. Wanting to encourage me, I get up from the couch and run into the bathroom to cool my mind. I splash some water on my face a couple of times and stare at the mirror, trying to calm down.

When I feel it's enough, I step out of the bathroom and return to them, not knowing what they're having for me. My eyes bore holes into the sight in front of me. My heavy body leans against the wall while staring at the two alphas passing out at one another. Frustratedly, I slap my forehead and gawk at them. What did I convince Finn for?

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