Chapter 25

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Dean POV:

After we eat the breakfast, I teach Sethie how to wrestle and show him some of the WWE match videos. He quickly understands and shows interest in learning but I only teach him simple moves because I don't want him to get hurt.

Now, we are standing in the living room facing each other with our hearts fluttering while staring at each other for minutes. What should I do? My mind is racing. It is risky, but I want to dumb him so I need to do this right now.

I grab him by the arm and carefully put him onto the floor, since I don't want to hurt him. And now I'm going for the pin but he refuses it. I don't know what hits me suddenly, I lay onto my stomach in a tight sleeper hold and feel his hot breath close to my ear.

I manage to get out of the sleeper hold and pin him down to the floor in a rather erotic way

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I manage to get out of the sleeper hold and pin him down to the floor in a rather erotic way. The moment our groins touch and we let out a loud gasp.

Our little game has become more and more serious, I put my arms around the his neck and hold him in a headlock. I don't realize who I'm choking but now I do and look down when he taps my hand.

My eyes grow wide as I see him wailing in pain, "Ahh!! Plea-se.. De-- ack!! Ah!! Hmph!" .

Tears start to stream down his face when he can't breath. His hands are trying to loosen my tight hold but he doesn't have the energy and just pats my arm desperately. His whole body trembles, feeling the oxygen leaving his insides. It feels like he is going to die.

"Ple-as.. se.." He attempts to get free slow down and he is starting to black out. His body is shutting down into unconsciousness.

I quickly let go of the hold and he drops to the floor. He begins coughing violently, placing his hand protectively on his neck.

"Fuck!! Oh my god!!! Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you!!" I panic and reach out to touch him, to make sure that he is okay, but he slaps my hand away and backs up from me.

When I look at his eyes, my heart is shattered. I don't think I lose his trust within minutes.

His eyes.. they are.. they are afraid of me.

His eyes are tear glazed and his cheek is stained with wet droplets of pain and fear. He looks like he have just died on the spot.

"I'm so sorry, baby.. I--" I try to explain him but he gets up suddenly. His hands are still protecting his neck. He runs passed me and goes upstairs to our room and shuts the door behind him with a loud bang.

"What the fuck Ambrose!! You almost snapped his neck. You piece of shit!!!" I curse myself.

I sit on the couch and hide my face in my hands. "You screwed up Ambrose! Great!!" I muffle as I speak to my palms.

"Fuck!!" I swear loudly.

I head locked the poor omega into submission and almost choked him into unconsciousness. I feel awful inside as I get up from the couch and make my way to the stairs.

I go up to our room and turn the knob but it's locked. "Sethie.. Please, I'm sorry. Please, let me in. I need to see if you're okay or not.." I rest my forehead onto the door.

"Please, Sethie. I know I hurt you but I'm sorry. Let me at least take a look at you.." I close my eyes and continue to spell his name.

Suddenly, I feel the lock turns and the door crack opens. I wait for a bit then carefully push the door in and step inside. I roam my eyes around the dimly lit room but stop when I see him.

He is curled up in a ball on our bed, wraps up in a thick blanket. I slowly make my way to him and pull the material away from him. His back is facing me.

I sit on the edge of the bed, making the mattress dip which makes him scoots closer to me. I place my hand on his shoulder and let it stays there.

"Sethie.. let me take a look at you. Please.." I am worried. He sits up slowly and faces me, but he doesn't make an eye contact with me. I take the opportunity to examine further the damage which I have subconsciously done.

I go in closer and gently lift his chin up, exposing his abused neck. There are few small bruises but nothing more. I sigh in relief as I trace my fingers on his skin which send shivers down his spine.

"I'm sorry for did this to you. I promise it won't happen again." I whisper sincerely. I am too focus on the wound and I don't even notice the smile that he gives to me.

"..I-I'm fine.." His voice is a bit hoarse.

"Thank god!!" I cheer inside.

I hold his hand and whisper, "Are you sure, you okay? That's going to leave a few bruises.."

He places his hands on mine, "It's.. It's okay.. I'll just wear a scarf until it goes away."

"Hmm.. okay, just get ready. We are going outside." I smile and take his hand to my mouth and press a kiss in it.

"Where?" He asks me with a questioning expression. When he is about to ask again, I move closer to him and lift his chin again. "It's surprise.." I give a sweet kiss on his neck.

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