Chapter 35

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Dean POV:

I hold Sethie tightly and slowly make him to stand up before leaving the doctor's room. Sasha jumps up and down when she notices us, "So?"

I eyed her when she jumps like an overexcited puppy. Then I look at Roman and whisper, "If she pukes on the carpet then you're responsible for it."

He eyed me and smirks, "I take it, that means.."

I nod, "Yeah, we're going to be Daddies." When I told that, I feel Sethie's heart speeds up and his breaths come in short gasps.

I cock my head when I hear that sound. I know why he makes that sound because he thinks I will leave him alone with the baby. I immediately wrap my arms tightly around him and guide him to the couch which is in the corner and pull him tightly against me, "Breath baby."

Roman frowns and watches before following me and Sethie. Finn pulls Bayley and Sasha away to give us some space. I hold Sethie and he whimpers softly, "Too much.." I know his omega is screaming for something but he couldn't understand it.

I nod and shift him into my lap and hold him tightly against my chest. I look at Roman who is watching us and picks up something immediately what I meant. He nods at me and leaves before I talk to Sethie in private.

I know why his omega is not calming and what is going on. I lift his chin up to look at me before I speak to him. "Think you're okay to head home?"

He nods after he takes a couple of deep breaths. I watch him over and then nuzzle into his neck and whisper, "Together baby, remember that. Wait.. Kitten." I smirk at him and try to distract him.

He crinkles his nose at the nickname. I kiss his nose before make him to stand up and nod at my friends for leaving. They lead us out with them following behind.

Seth POV:

After we get home, I curl against Dean's side, breathing his scent. He smells like home and happiness. He smiles softly and rubs my side when I am tensed. I don't know why I just want to curl up in his lap and rub my face over him. Scenting mine as his.

My omega is screaming inside when the doctor told that I was pregnant. I want to ask Dean before I make myself worst. I look up at him and ask, "You're not going to run away, are you?"

He shakes his head and puts his hand on my stomach and whispers, "Why I want to run away? You're both mine. To protect, to love and be there for everything." I smile and wrap my arms around him and shake softly.

I jump when Sasha yells from the outside of our hotel room. He rubs my back and makes me to sit on the couch before he goes to open the door.

When he opens the door, Roman gets him and leaves me with Sasha, Bayley and Finn in the apartment. Initially, Dean refused to go with Roman but Roman told that Sasha and Bayley will keep me safe and Finn will watch over us. Finally, he agreed.

Dean POV:

Roman takes me to his own apartment. I eyed him not certain what he is doing. But he refuses and lets me to sit on the couch before he goes to the kitchen.

After few minutes, he comes out with two beers and looks over at me before handing me one. He sits beside me on the couch and watches me. "How are you doing with all of this?" He asks.

I eyed him, "It's that obvious."

He nods and leans back on the couch. "Mhmm.. Your alpha is conflicted because of what is going on in your head. It wants Seth to be pregnant but something else is going on. He also looks like he doesn't seem to deal well with this pregnant situation. I think the omega inside him wants something, that's why made him panic and unsettled. So talk to me man."

I shift in a comfortable position and look at him, "Ro, you know that I didn't have the best childhood. What if.. I'm like my father?"

He takes a drink and looks at me, "Planning on running away?"

I shake my head, "No."

He nods, "Well, you're already leaps and bounds above him."

I sigh, "What if.."

He holds up his hand and looks at me, "Dean, you want to be a good father. The fact that you are so worried and want to be better means, you're on your way to be a good parent. You have everyone here and we all want to see you doing well. We'll help you."

I nod and ask, "What if I don't know how to be a father?"

He rubs my back, "I think you do. You know that your parents are wrong and you want to be better. It'll be a struggle but you can do this."

I nod and look at him, "You seem so certain."

He looks at me, "I am. I have faith in you."

I move before hug him tightly and he hugs me back. When I pull away, he smirks, "Now.. the question is boy or girl."

I smirk at him, "Either way, they're going to be a champion."

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